The human girl by the border

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After another movie night, I opened my eyes with the sensation of my beloved tiny wife on the crook of my neck, instead of my chest, woken up to the first day of her new job. Her tiny body felt cold, like a human shaped ice cube. Probably moved recently. If she was there for a while, then she'd feel warm, heated up by my neck. I like to sleep with her, or to wake up with her. And I like it when she just falls asleep on my chest, and when i am asleep, she just moves somewhere else. It's adorable, she'd say. She likes that word.

"Good morning to you" I said, keeping my voice as low as i can to not to boom behind her, and not moving my jaw much, not to startle her tiny form.
"Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty."


"Of leaving you alone with your own job? Naah. But i AM happy about the art things and all that jazz."

"I'm happy you now have a job you will be happier with"

"Yeah... well... i think we better get up. We don't want to be late, do we?"

over what she said, I didn't say anything but i agreed what she had told. I slowly moved my hand over her and closed my fingers around her. I gently plucked her out, careful to not squeeze her tiny body, applying just enough pressure to hold her in my hand. I tilted my hand so it was like a platform for her to stand on, and i slowly got out from the bed myself. I lowered her at the enterance of her house, so she could cook for herself. She went in with a wawe and a smile on her face.

After watching her go inside, i went to kitchen and took a pan from one of the closets. I put the pan on the oven and added some oil in it. I lighted the oven and picked an egg from the fridge. I cracked it and stirred, and added some seasonings like curry. I poured the stirred egg into the pan and I went to our bedroom to pick Mollie up. Just like always, i was trying to be gentle; however, seems like it didn't work much, again, as always, she was already outside when i got there, but still in her pajamas.

"Mollie! You'll loose you punctuality! Go!" I

I waited for Mollie to come out, which she did, with a plate on her hands, and in her work suit this time. I picked her up, rapidly but also gently and smoothly, carried her to the kitchen, and put her on the table. Then i got a plate for myself, and i put the cooked egg on it and placed it on the table.

I finished my egg and i took Mollie to her house, for her to brush her teeth, just like i'll go brush mine aswell.

I picked her up and put her on my shouder, feeling her tiny form touching my neck. I unlocked the door, and we headed out, to the human side. It is not extra far from where we live, and we don't pay for the acces of the human side for Mollie. She said the humans where she is from were much more talented and kinder, and she said the company will even pay for her lunch, so she chose this job between her invitation mails.

As we arrived to the human side border, i noticed something small laying in the side of the road. It seemed like a human, but i needed to make sure. I made my way towards it, her or him.

"Hey! Where are you goi- oh" Mollie yelled as i crouched in front of the small-... yeah they are a human.

"She doesn't look so okay. Let me take a look at her" I brought my hand closer to her and waited for her to climb on it, and lowered her to the ground. I felt her tiny legs move, as she walked and climbed it down. The human puked as Mollie approached the other small human and checked her fever...
I pulled my hand away from the girl's forehead. I was just trying to seem like i knew what i was doing, i had no idea about if she had fever or not. But i can tell, she definitely does't seem any okay, at all. I have no idea what this girl has been through, yet I kn- nope. I have LOTS of ideas. She has some white things around her mouth. May be cocain... yeah probably be cocain. No, definetely cocain. Dayyum why does somebody use cocain? Well... there are many reasons why idiots use drugs. About the reasons, such as- Yeah yeah no time for those crap, stupidass.

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