making progress?

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"W-what are those!" I asked calmly to mollie.

"Well... I think you know what are those. So i choose not to answer this question"

"I just lost my mother!"

"You do have a point... But you did some bad stuff, and if we just send you back to the human side, you could just go to jail like your dad did. They check the passports."

"Why- why is he in jail?"

"Well... how can i say it without being rude... your mom and dad's reflection on the news's eyes and policemans are extremely unpleasant. So your dad is in jail. Bevause he is unpleasant. And did unpleasant things"

"You can't say that!"

"Uhhh... I'll be getting the toasts done downstairs." She gestured downstairs and left the room.

How can she do this! At least just-just yet! And- and My parents are pretty nice people! Maybe they sometimes don't do the... most appropriate things, but this doesn't make them bad parents! They were cooking my meals, they were buying me clothes, they were loving me, they were helping me... dad even gave me money! To buy some white powder thing and alcohol. But he didn't get mad at me if i ever bought things with the leftover cash. Or he let me to use some of those bitter drinks once! Or mom- yeah... she-she even hugged me once! That- that was great! But i wish she did it more than once. It was so cool...

I started crying again. Why did i start to cry so much lately?! I hate this! I am strong! I shouldn't cry! I didn't cry since they told me i was a mistake. I couldn't understand what did i do like... extra wrong to get them call me a mistake. Don't you need to be made so many mistakes to be called a mitake? But I shouldn't be thinking that, those days are gone afterall.

I'm hungry. But I don't want to just get anywhere near that crazy woman. I loved when she hugged me back or caressed my head tho... but no. I should be mad at her for this... what she said about my parents and what she did without warning me first. And we just met! I can't trust her, and she has proven that I shouldn't.
I may called her parents "fucking worst" in a covered with the word "unpleasant" kind if manner. Shii i just found a whole new "manner" yeah. Okay shush. I have every clue to call them bad parents. Like... sex near their children? That sucks. Worse than sucks. They use some bad shit near their children! Okay i know she is not 11 or not 5. But this is still bad! We are talking about cocain here! Drugs! Alcohol! And the lack of love she has given? Or what about calling her a mistake! No wonder they constantly have sex. And what about a 15 year old goddamn teen doesn't know what did they mean by 'mistake'? Jesus! She thought she made so much mistakes? Oh my god only in your dreams cutie. It's good that she doesn't know what it means though, at least her feelings didn't hurt THAT much. She is so innocent compared to a girl who has seen her parents pleasure each other. And conpared to another teens who had been using drugs. Just like she did.

I wonder how'd i be if my parents were like this. Okay... my mom is stupid... and my dad is like my bestie, but he is also a womanizer. Or more like a roue now. I didn't have the best parents too. But i loved my dad. And also my mom even she wasn't the most supportive about my art career. At least they didn't use drugs. Nor had sex in front of my two innocent kid eyes.

But i admit that what i did, just after her mother's death, was not cool. But what could i do? I had a good purpose to do this. If i just let her go back to the human side, her mom is dead and her dad is probably in jail, after all what have happened, so she'd just be sent to an adoption center or something, and after the drug tests and stuff, they can even lock her in a jail cell. I know I wouldn't be the best mother she could ever have, but i have my strengths too. Or Roy. Maybe she can't look at him warmly, and with love deposited in her eyes at first, but it is inevitable that she'll learn to like him.

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