Harsh program update

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I ate whatever the giant has put in the teaspoon. Well... to be honest it was delicious, and i was starving, even if  there was some kind of poison or something in it... The giant was going to come back, and it was going to get in the house again, and which means, that door was going to be opened more times, and that means, i may have a chance to escape. I have no idea what will i do or where will i go after escaping, but my goal is escaping for now. I left the safety of the bookshelf and made my way to the couch. The couch seemed to make more sense, since it was much closer to the door than the bookshelf was. Of course, it was still far enough that I couldn't pass it when the giant opened it and closed it, without spending any time in front of the door when it stayed open.

I easily got under the couch, since the gap between the ground and the underside of the couch was still much taller than i was. I sat down and leaned my back on one of the legs of the couch. So much running and hiding for one day. I am exhausted.

I felt the ground rumble again. Just very slightly, and it was slowly gaining strength. I got out from my hiding spot and started running towards the door, because i knew it was going to get opened soon. The rumbles grew more violent, and i heard a loud click, mixed with some talking, but I couldn't care less about what it was saying, so I didn't listen. The door and the doorframe parted, the giant got in and I was completely frozen on my place. It approached the table ans put something on it, which seemed to move. Was this another human captive? Makes sense... i am definetely not enough to fill a huge stomach like its. The human seemed to say something, then the giant turned back towards the human, then nodded, and grabbed the human and made its way towards here. It crouched, causing me back away, then it put the human on the ground, and went to another room.

The person wawed at me... i have no idea if they are a man or a woman. Both the physique and the face looks like a male and a female at the same time. And also, they seemed COMPLETELY chill! How can they be chill when being captured by a giant!

"H-Hello..." I wawed at them back.
"Hi! I'm Mollie." Oh... a she, i see. She chuckled and glanced at the room the giant went. "I see you have already met my husband." She said with a smirk.

"Ye-" wait a minute... did she just say... husband? "...- h-husband?" I stared at her.
"Oh yeah. I know he is a little short" she laughed.


"W... w-what do you-you mean, short!" Well... The kid seems like she didn't get the irony. Bruhh.

She smells alcohol. Well... I know thst i'm definitely not good at smelling, but alcohol is definetely something that i can identify. I understand why she puked and stuff. And there is a lump on her pocket. Cocain and alcohol. Incredible dual. Sweet. Just great. Awesome.

"Yeah yeah it was irony. But yeah whatever. What's your name?"

"A..." She hesitates to answer. Really? Is it really hard to answer such question? Like... i am just asking a name! Not even some personal data like her history of life or something... well... whatever life history is going to happen in the age of a child anyway.

Damn why don't you just chill out? This is a normal thing. And you are definetely exaggerating this.

"and how old were you again?"
" i'm uhh... some- somewhere between 14 and 15."

Oh my god! She is too young eihter! How can she even just buy drugs and alcohol stuff! Who can sell those to a goddamn child!

"Yeah... okay... so can i ask you why you just came here, how did you manage to buy some bad stuff, why you used those bad stuff, i mean cocain and alcohol, and why do you still have cocain remaining in your pocket. I will ask you to throw it away, we have absolute no rules, you can do any shit you want, you can curse, you can do some rituals, orr... or or or or or you can summon spirits, or or or you can use some telepathy or telekinesis on us or something, BUT, we definetely don't use drugs in here."

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