a sleepless night

31 3 10

Me still resting between the warm flesh of the giant's palm and his chest, he walking calmly, and slowly, to... my new... Home? I could tell he was trying to be gentle, but his size wasn't helping with the rhytmic rumbles and joltings and rocking movement. I was comfortably positioned, but i have started to get bored. My tears had thankfully stopped, so i could spend some time without the annoying sense of wetness around my eyes and cheeks. I took a deep breath with the ground shifting unevenly as he took his keys to unlock the door.

I heard a clank as he slowly opened the door, and took a step in. He hasn't really talked during the journey to here from school. I guess he is not much of a talker, is he... says the girl never talks either. But i have my reasons. I kind of began to get used to him somehow. Not his... Height... But i doubt his intentions are evil or devilish.

"I... I will have to go out again, to pick up mollie from work... "


"Do you... wish to come with me? Or do you prefer to stay here?"

"I'll... I'll come"

"Alright... Would you like me to drop you at your house at present?"

"Would uhh... Would it... be a- a problem if i... Stayed like this? For- for a while more?"

I glanced up at his eyes. His gaze lit up with an emotion i couldn't quite figure, but i guess it was something positive. He slowly nodded and lowered himself to sit down. The lowering sense became even slower, and then stopped as he settled completely on the couch below. His breathing was calm, and deep, and I could tell his mood was kind of reflecting on me, but his face was kind of telling the opposite. He was staring somewhere in the distance with a serious expression. I can't say that it made me feel better. I became paranoid and squirmed to get rid of the hand around me, and then they slowly opened so i could leave. I got up and climbed his legs down on the couch.

"Sorry... " His voice told me. I nodded and sat on the couch myself, making an effort to not lose my balance in the dent his huge body makes.

Then i felt empty... And uncomfortable. I stood up to approach the sitting giant again, who was checking his watch. His hand fell down from up, and settled near his side, with a soft thump.

He smiled gently and turned his face away.

I approached him and hesitantly grabbed a handful of fabric from his pants. I didn't really want to stand alone today. And he haven't done anything for me to be afraid of him... Except his... Size. I pulled myself with my arms and pushed with my legs, and now i am on him... Again. I tensed as i felt the air shift, and then his hand entered my vision, relaxed, but open. His fingers as thick and as still as tree trunks, were sligthly curved. I stepped on the flesh, and sat down, my body sinking an inch down. Then the muscles underneath shifted and moved, anxiety filling my mind once again. The fingers hovered above my head as the floor started to tilt, and i was trapped in a dark, warm, flesh room in a loose grip. The skin was touching every inch of my body, and lightly tightened, almost like a hug, i would say, if i didn't know i was in a giant hand. The warm light from the lamps kissed my face as the fingers parted, left me by myself on the vast surface. I wouldn't say that i enjoyed the "hug", but i got his purpose.

"I apologize again for today... I sheerly understand your desire to be out of... Here"

To be honest, giants still freak me out, and what i've been through today was NOT cool at all, i tense when i think about it... But... I wouldn't want to go back to the human side either. I have no one there anymore. Only bad memories i don't want to remember any more at all. And i can tell that i am growing kind of more fond of that weirdo. And the giant... I guess, looking at my behaviour lately. My instincts is silent, and i was always good at that sixth sense stuff. So i trust him? Oh yeah i do... Again, I guess... When i really think about it, does make sense. But, i would still prefer a human only family. Even the empty space itself makes me uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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