The first day

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Mollie woke me up by clutching the collar of the pajamas she had given me. I hate to be woken up by something/someone. I groaned groggily and attempted to push her away from me. She smiled and let me go. I glared at her as she went downstairs, i guess to cook some eggs. I got up from the bed and changed into the clothes she gave me as the school uniform. I carried myself opposite of the mirror and started at myself.

The uniform is not that bad, a white shirt with a jacket, the school's badge on a pocket right on top of the heart. And a black pants. I combed my filthy hair and ran downstairs. I really need to take a shower. I saw mollie is already finished her egg and she's not in the house. I ate my own egg and went outside after preparing my backpack for school. Mollie was waiting for me and she gestured me to come closer to her, on the roomy hand of the giant, who was officially my dad now, and I didn't know the slightest thing about it. Or him...

I didn't get on the hand, I definitely don't want to. Emphasis on the first and the last time I have ridden on the very same hand. It was absolutely terrifying. So intense. So uncomfortable.

"Arlene c'mon. We don't wanna be late!" She said to me and the giant shot a playful gaze at her. "What?" She said, turning her head up, to face his.

"... nothing" he said, smiling.

She stepped off from it and approached me, held my hand and whispered, "don't be afraid of him. He is the largest softie you can ever meet in your life. Well... Literally the largest softie." She chuckled and gently pulled me closer to her, as she walked closer to the large hand patiently waiting for us both. I slightly trembeled and took a step that let me stand on the squishy, warm flesh. I didn't like the idea of a giant holding me, having control over everything i do or go, trapping me on the flesh wrapped platform as big as a room. It could drop me, it could squish me with the immense physical strength of its, and I would have no way to defend myself and push that titanic fingers away.

The floor shifted as the giant curled his fingers, i feared he'd close it around us, but it stopped.

"Okay uhhh... i'll rise now" he boomed and the ground rose with us on it. I immediately got an anxiety rush as soon as i got the feeling if being weightless. My stomach twisted and i felt like puking. I don't like this. I don't want to smell vomit on the first day of school. Disgusting. I gripped my stomach and tried to shut ut up by violently kneading it and trying to heat it up.

I jolted back and forth and up and down with every step the giant took and didn't like the movement. I tried to stand up to get closer to me, but i hit my head on one of the fingers. It didn't really hurt since i hit the skin, not anything sharp or hard. It felt warm and so soft. I admit it was kinda nice. I gripped a fragment of skin and supported myself to get up. But it was so hard to stay balanced on a soft surface. Like a bed or those jumpy castles kids like to go. I gave up and sat, leaning one of the fingers behind me, watching the tips hover above my head. It's a weird way to go to school. I watched the environment go as the giant keeped his long strides.

He stopped and the floor lowered, slow, yet, it still filled me with the sensation if falling down. Mollie approached and hugged one of the large and thick fingers, by spreading her arms spread along the cylindrical surface of the finger. She can't really hug it tho, tye kength of her arms is nit quite enough. She then hugged me.

"bye!" she said and stopped hugging me. Then I pulled her to muself and hugged her back,

"Don't leave me alone!" i whispered to her ear. I didn't want to be left alone with the giant.

"I'll see you two in the evening" she said to both of us.

"I'll miss you mollie" the giant boomed above, i stared at him, his huge lips slightly bending in the corners.

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