7)Os (when you ask him to hug you because you can't sleep

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When you ask him to hug you because you can't sleep//
-Him as your arranged husband

(Enjoy reading)

"Don't go please" you locked your arm with your best friend Sia.
"I have to go now, I'm already late y/n" she shows you her wrist watch "it's 10 pm. Jungkook is calling me again and again" she tries to free herself
"No nooo please stay. Taehyung is coming"
"You are saying this from last 1 hour. Let me go.."

"No you're not going anywhere until taehyung comes. You know I'm afraid of ghosts then why did you make me watch that movie." You hold her even more tightly. "Sia.please .stay here tonight"

"Excuse me madam maybe you can sleep without your husband but I can't. If I don't go now Jungkook will come here"
"Who's important huh me aur Jungkook"
"Obviously my husband" you glare at her.
"See Jungkook is calling again"
"Say you are staying with me"
"No" Sia drag you to the main door with her as you were still holding her arm. 
"No please..."

The main door opens revealing taehyung.

"Finally taehyung you came" Sia pulls her arm from your grip.
"Is everything ok?" Taehyung asked
"Take care of your wife" saying this Sia literally runs . Taehyung looks at you.
"Everything fine."

He made his way toward the bedroom with you following him behind. Keeping his things aside, He rests his tired body on the couch. You give him water which he gulps.

"Get fresh..we will go downstairs for dinner together" humming at you he takes something comfortable to wear.

"Can you leave the bathroom door open.." you said in a low voice
"Yes? Did you say something" he asked as he didn't heard you

You were standing in front of the bathroom door all the time. He gets startled coming out.

"Y/n you sure everything is fine.."
"Ye..yeah. let's go"
Taehyung was kinda confuse by your behavior.

You and taehyung had a arranged marriage one month ago. You liked everything about taehyung but he's cold that's what the issue is. As none of you were making the first move things wasn't going ahead. Seeing you two anyone will say two friends are staying together.

After dinner you went to bed and taehyung sits on the couch with his laptop.

"Not gonna sleep?"
"No I have to complete a file. I guess I'm disturbing you, you sleep I'm going to another ro__" you didn't let him finish his sentence
"No..no stay here"

You were changing your side again and again but couldn't sleep because the movie scene was roaming inside your head. Around midnight you climbed down from the bed and went to him. He was still working. Shifting from laptop he sets his gaze at you.

You took the laptop from him and sits on his lap leaving him speechless.

"I can't sleep"
"Why" he asked
"I watched horror movie with sia now I'm afraid" he brust out laughing, you hit his chest
"Don't laugh"
"Ok..ok..I won't"
"Hug me tight so that I can sleep" Taehyung was all silent..

"Won't you? I knew you don't like me..it was just me" you mumbles but it was audible for him
"Hmm.. I'm sorry to say but you're right I don't like you" he said in a serious tone making your eyes teary. You were about to climb down of his lap but he stops you.

"I love you.. since the day I saw you. I didn't had the courage to tell you because I don't know what you feel" you put a finger on his lip
"Now can you hug" he nodds at you and pulls you for a tight hug.
"I love you too.." you said brushing your lips with his neck. Leaning close he kisses side of your cheeks.

"Y/n.." he could heard cute snore, picking you up he takes you to the bed. He hides you in his embrace while you sleep peacefully in his warmth.

I was free so I write this. Hope you guys enjoyed. If you have have any suggestions you can lemme know. Take care <3.

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