17)Os- when he doesn't want to shoot intimate scenes with you

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When he doesn't want to shoot the intimate scenes with you// him as your costar

Ignore my mistakes and enjoy reading <3

"I think he has some issues.. Yeon" you clicked your champagne glass with your friend's before sipping
"Who? Taehyung?"
"Yeah.. like now I'm confused if he's straight or not"
"Why though?" He asked
"He is avoiding shooting intimate scenes, every time we have a kissing scene or any other close scene he'll be like ohh no..no.no can we just not do this" you tried to mimic him, Yeon brust out laughing, you continued

"You're laughing? I'm literally annoyed by him."
"Someone had a fat crush on him.."
"I still have but the way he's behaving is really getting on my nerves. I feel like he doesn't like me. We're shooting a romcom without romance" you chuckled in disappointment "I really want to ask him if what's his problem"
"Then ask him"
"Only if I could"

Yeon pours champagne in your glass
"Forget him, enjoy your champagne"

Next day during shooting

Y/n's pov//
I was wearing a white satin robe according to the script. When taehyung again started his can we not just do this, can we manage this with a hug or something else .
I was so done with him that my mind was saying just hit him with the flower vase near my hand. I had a crush on him and was dying to work with this stupid huh!!
I followed him to his make-up room and asked his make-up artist to give us some privacy.

"What's your problem?? You're straight or what?" I let my intrusive thoughts win and finally asked him.
"I'm straight as a line"

"Then what the fvck is wrong with shooting intimate scenes? I really doubt you are straight. You're making me feel so stupid, is anything wrong with me?

We're a married couple in the drama, you keeping distance from me is making things hard for me. Do you know how much it bothers me hearing the staff gossiping that maybe I have problem so you avoid me. If you don't like me, you could be denied at first to take me as your heroin. You acted with other actresses too then why you're behaving like this now."

I let out all my frustrations on him. My eyes became red as tears started forming in the corner of my eyes.

"If you aren't comfortable with me ask the director to change me" I stormed off from there.

I was about to change when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in"
"The director is calling you" I put on a coat before going . I was ready to get scolded as I behaved rude with taehyung.

Reaching there I found taehyung standing there warping a white towel.

"Y/n we're gonna shoot the next scene now"

Really he agreed wahh miracle!!  I took a glance at him, he's hot.. hottest ig but I'm still mad at him. The director explained us the scene.

"Roll camera action"

Taehyung's one hand was on my waist another one grabbed my neck before pining me against the wall.
His four fingers was resting on my neck while thumb was caressing my lips. He pushed his thumb inside my mouth, I was gulping my saliva.

His dark brown eyes were set on me.. giving me a whole zoo in stomach. He leaned in closing the gaps between us, I could smell his sweet scent...my heart was pounding like crazy.

His gaze was so intense that I wasn't able to hold a eye contact, grabbing my jaw he pushed my face up , forcefully making me look at him. I forget the camera, the people, The world around me became blurry as I only focused on him.

My knees were feeling weak as soon as he kissed the side of my lips..then slowly moved towards my lips.

"Y/n.. keep it professional.." I was trying to calm myself and crying in my mind for feeling this weak in front of him. I was trying to pull back but his grab around my neck didn't let me move an inch.

"I was keeping distance from you because I knew I won't be able to control myself once I taste you" he whispered brushing my his lips with mine, my eyes widen realizing what he just is not in script.

He reached for my thighs and the next moment I was on him warping my legs around his waist. Forgetting everything around us, We kissed like our life depends on it. Grabbing my hair he pulled my head back, his lips meet my collar bone while my nails was dragging inside his skin.
"I love you.." taehyung said while giving soft kisses on my neck.

"Cuttt" a loud voice dragged both of us from our dark fantasy. He put me down, I was red tomato by then.

"The last scene wasn't in the script but whatever it was good so we are gonna add this" director said giving us an awkward look and out of the blue he decided to ask "are you guys dating?"

I was struggling to answer when he pulled me by my waist.

"Yes..." I gave him a clueless look.
I was shocked with his answer more than anyone else present there.

Thr director chuckled at us, making me feel embarrassed. Everyone left from there.

"We are dating from when?"
"As soon as you say yes to me,  I am tired of keeping distance from you."
"I thought you don't like me"
"I like you enough to lose my mind everytime you're around me. Let me share another secret with you, I only said yes to this drama because you're my heroin" I remain silent because I never expected he will say something like this even in my dream, my crush is saying he lose his mind around me..wtf man someone hold me please.

"What do you say y/n wanna go out with me?" He asked
"First propose me properly, I'll give it a think" he kissed my forehead

( Kinda messed up the ending hope you guys enjoyed it)

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