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Infinity Countdown

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There was a symphonic hum in the air that Ana couldn't shake. As soon as she woke up, much earlier than her body would've liked, she heard it. It was the type of hum that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand. Making her eardrums vibrate at a vexing rate. She knew it had to do with the Infinity Stones. They were once again reunited, on a gauntlet designed by the collective intellects of Bruce, Rocket and Tony. When Ana saw the Nano Gauntlet for the first time, propped upright in the chamber located in the laboratory, coloured gems shining in their designated settings, the humming stopped and she was overcome with the need to run.

Run away. Hide low. Save your friends. Save your family. Go somewhere far. Go somewhere safe. Don't chase the past. Outrun the future. Survive. Outlive.

Then, with a step forward... those muddy thoughts were replaced by a simpler one.

Time to Avenge.

A hand rested on her shoulder. It brought her comfort immediately. Solidified the thought in her head as she stared at the cosmic object that would bring them all salvation. Redemption. Steve stood by her side, unwavering. Not a moment passed before Tony joined them in similar fashion. The fully formed Nano Gauntlet had their undivided attention. It captured their awe. Their respect. Their fear. Finally, after years, their solution was right in front of them. It was then that Ana felt the weight of Natasha's absence. It was harrowing. Vast and harsh. Her jaw quivered. Lips trembled. A fresh set of tears filled her eyes, clouding her vision. Steve gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. Ana lowered her head, hair concealing her face as she nodded once.

"So, what do you think?"

Tony turned to glance at Ana as she lifted her head, hands clasped behind his back while he awaited her response. Eager to hear her thoughts. Ana wiped her nose with her sleeve and sniffed, blinking until her vision was clear, or something close to it. "Is it too late to change the colour?" She mumbled, a hint of amusement in her gaze as it flickered over Tony's suspicious expression.

Steve chuckled.

Tony huffed.

"Yes, actually, it is."

Ana shrugged a shoulder. "I mean, the last one was gold."

"That because it was made out of space metal. This is nano tech, little lady."

Ana frowned then. Tony was right. They didn't have the resources to forge another gauntlet out of Uru. "Does that mean it won't hold the power of the Infinity Stones as well as the original?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Tony nodded, "But lucky for us, we only have to use it once."

"And we'll return the stones back to their original place on the timeline." Steve added. He noticed how agitated Ana was around the Infinity Stones. He knew she had doubts. He wanted to provide her a way to ease her worries. "I prefer to get this over with, limit the window of time that they're here."

"We're already on borrowed time with these things." Ana's harsh tone surprised them all. Her subtle glare while unrecognisable on her features, was pointed at the Soul Stone, the reason behind the never ending ache in her heart. "The faster we do this, the better."

"Speaking of getting this over with, team meeting at noon." Tony informed them both, strolling towards the chamber. His deep brown eyes glinted with a bit of excitement. "Then we'll see what this thing can really do."

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