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Peter Parker saw the apartment. The second he stepped out of the elevator, the hairs on the back of his neck stood, forcing him to shiver. He ran, his backpack bouncing against his back, towards the door that was broken in two. His sneakers crunched the glass and splinters that were scattered throughout the entire home. He swallowed thickly when he spotted puddles and smears of blood inside. It was all over the walls and floor. It looked like a hurricane had torn through Ana's apartment.

Peter blinked back the water trying to leave his eyes and fumbled around for his phone. When she didn't come to his place, he knew something must have went wrong. He had to leave May frantically, promising they would talk when he'd get back.

He constantly whispered to himself, "She's fine. She's fine." He dialled her number and pressed the phone against his ear. He jumped then, when the ringing came from behind him. He held out his phone to try and locate her one. He found it under a poster of Captain America she took from Tony.

Peter held it in his hands, releasing a shaky breath. He stopped in the middle of her apartment, observing the mess around him. Only one question stood out from the mass of others that zipped through his mind.

"Where did you go?"


Times Square was bustling.

People were filing out of buildings, cars, and subways, crowding the area. They were going with their day to day activity. Everything was normal. Well, that was until the woman dropped out of the sky. It was sudden, and it caused a sense of panic to spread throughout the centre. Upon landing, the ground had crumbled around her limp form. Her hair was sprawled across her face, concealing her identity. No one wanted to get close enough to see who the mysterious person was. All they could see from their spots was that she was badly hurt. A gaping wound in the middle of her stomach and right shoulder. Clothes were damp with her blood and she had cuts all over her exposed arms and neck.

When she jolted, the crowd gasped. She was alive. But barely. She needed aid. And fast.

"Step aside people! Nothing to see here!"

Grabby hands pushed aside the people blocking his path. The police officer shouldered the civilians, trying to get to the root of the problem. The city had been on high alert ever since the tragedy at the steps of the New York County Courthouse. There was double the security. And SHIELD had their agents on the ground, in disguise, ready for anymore superhuman threats.

Ana opened her eyes, her blurry vision telling her she was facing the Times Square from the various large screens and advertising billboards. She was surprised she landed somewhere familiar. Somewhere she could easily find help and get back on her feet.

When she moved, a wail left her lips, and she looked down at the bloodied clothing. She rolled onto her side and pushed herself up onto her knees, then stood tall. She ducked her head when she realised she was the centre of attention, ignoring the questions being thrown at her by the man in blue.

"Ma'am! Identify yourself." He demanded, hand flying to the handgun on his belt. He was about five meters away from her, a safe distance.

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