8.0 | Babe cakes

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I put babe cakes ahead because it's the only one fluffy among them all.

Consider this a gift for you and a concern for my safety. I don't want any rocks being thrown at me anytime soon.

Also, please read the message at the end regarding a very serious topic.

Y/n 💜
Honey, are you busy??

Tay 💙
Most definitely. Why?

Y/n 💜
Nothing really, I'd just appreciate some company.

Tay 💙
Sorry honey, I'm busy.  I'll talk to you later, promise.

Y/n 💜
Can you slack off, just today? I need you.

Tay 💙
No, Y/n. I'm serious, I can't.

Y/n 💜
But Tay, please.
Tay 💙
I'm sorry honey, no means no. I need to go.

You tuned your phone off, twisting in bed, cramping.
Suddenly, you heard happy and loud thumps going up the stairs, to yours and Taylor's room.

"Hey, momma! Look we just made you!" Your seven year olds sat next to you in bed. "Are you okay?"  One of them called

You smiled at your empathetic kids, knowing you raised them right. You had them still in your early twenties. The father vanished completely, and you soon became a single mother. That's until Taylor stepped up. She met Serena and Shawn when they were two, and they instantly clicked. Taylor loved your kids like they were her own. Taylor had done her job as a mother. Stayed up at night, cleaned puke and cured boo-boos. You were really happy with your small little family of four humans and three cats.

"Hey, honey. Momma isn't feeling well right now." You turned to face the young girl.

"What's up?" She rubbed her little fingers on your cheeks.

"My belly is hurting a little, baby. That's all."  You smiled, trying to comfort her.


"Well.. you know, most woman go through this hard few days on the week. Our body needs more energy than ever, so it can function. So, we bleed for that. Every woman is different, some feel more dizzy, others can have more mood swings and pain, like I am having right now." You said, as you held your stomach.

"And what does it mean, mama? Are you dying?" Your little boy said, panicking.

Sure it felt like it.

"No, honey. Calm down. That only means mommy's belly doesn't have any babies inside. I'm fine, really." Your baby boy calmed down, and cuddled you.

"I hate to see you in pain, mom." He cried.

"Oh, you don't need to worry. Mommy will be just fine." You kissed his head, while Serena, your younger kiddo, looked at you, sheepishly. "What's on your pretty little mind, honey?"

"If you said most woman have this thing.. does that mean I'll have it too? And does that mean momma has it?" She said, disappointed.

"Well, yeah. You'll have it eventually. And yes, your mother goes through the same thing, it's a normal thing of womanhood." Your daughter started to cry. "Baby, what's going on?"

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