7.1 | Alison Swift

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After hearing you whine 'bout how evil I was and that you'd like to drown me in mud, enjoy part two

Just thought I'd drop this one 🤠

After a very busy day at work, your feet were absolutely killing you. You sat down, putting your feet up at the coffee table. You found a comfortable position to then pick up your phone, texting Blake. You had planned a night out together, just you both - and your close age kiddos, of course. It was supposed to be a playdate for Inez and Alison, but you two probably needed that more than they did.

still on for tonight?

You betcha 😉

Inez is so excited but I gotta tell you I'm more

Honestly same girl, haven't ditched in so long it hurts

Omg remember when we missed days on the set because we wanted to gossip??

How could I forget, I was the one to always get in trouble because of your angelical little face you bitch.

A girls gotta do what a girl's gotta do 😇
Anyways, see you in fifty.

You turned your attention to the door, stopping your conversation with Blake. The wiggle giggle of the key and of your six-year-old were the only thing you could possibly hear. You said hi to John and Christina, two of the security team to bring and take her to school everyday.

"Mommy, mommy! You're not gonna believe what!!" Alison called, her big backpack taking over her small body.

"Hey, sweetheart! I missed you." You said. "So, tell me what happened." You pulled her to your lap

"I got to make this very cool present for family day today!" She said, referring to the day at school that you'd bring a family member to appreciate. The school did this for kids in the same situation as hers, with a missing or late parent. To avoid fathers and Mother's Day mix up. Even if what they did was nice, it just never got easier. It never got better, the pain was always there, in the back of your heart. It never got easier to have her hear her momma's voice on the radio, it never got painless.

"Awesome, what did you make?" You asked, trying to maintain your smile, that obviously wasn't the same from when she entered the room.

"I'm not gonna tell you that!" She left, running towards her room, holding onto her pink backpack while you giggled.

"Come on miss sassy pants, we gotta get in the shower!" You said, hoping to the stairs

"yay! Girl shower?"

"Yeah! And then we're off to meet Blake and Inez, isn't that fun?" You said, Alison on your lap ready to be put down, and to also grab all of the shampoos and conditioners at her sigh over the shelves that her little blue plastic stool could reach.

"Uhum" she hummed "So, mommy" she began "why do I have colorful eyes when you have brown?" She said while undressing herself to get in the shower. Oh, that one would sting.

"I have already told you! Where's this coming from?" you frowned

"It's this girl Melissa Buckle in my class. She keeps bragging about my eyes and that they're not the same as your and that I'm adopted, the usual." She said, starting to wash her hair. Alison was a very independent little girl. Everything people around their early twenties were starting to learn, she already knew. She was well-spoken, learned how to read and write at the age of four. Took her first steps at only ten months old. She didn't even crawl, just walked. She was also a very smart and mature little girl, and definetily wasn't the meltdown type. She would most often than not, speak to you when she wasn't feeling good or when she knew she was about to flip.

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