Chapter 1| first day of college

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Have you ever wondered why some men ghost women?
I always thought it was because they were bored of them or because they got there pleasurable experience with you so now they don't need you anymore.
Well... When he ghosted me I didn't think of these thoughts because I was furious, but sad at the same time.
You're probably wondering "what the hell is this human talking about?"  well ill tell what I'm talking about.

It all started when I was 5, me and my parents moved to another home in England. And my neighbor's son, Alex, he was 7 years old that time and he was the only kid in that street I could play with. We became friends, then best friends, then one day he made a promise to stay best friends forever no matter what. That is until my  first year of highschool, it was his third year and he got a girlfriend, Kayla, who was so jealous of our friendship that she had to come up with a lie saying that I said horrible things about his mother who died. When he found out about this, he was furious and one day he confronted me and asked me if what Kayla said was true, and ofcourse we got into this huge fight and boom..  we don't Talk, look, or think about eachother... When he graduated college he moved to NYC and Kayla too and he left me behind.
The fact that that boy who promised to never leave me since I was 5 and he was 7 years old and 8years later mentally hurt me because his Girlfriend who he knows for 2 damn years made him believe sum sick...lie
But yeah... nothing lasts forever and that's one lesson I learned from him.

2years later... (First day of College

Olivia's POV:

Birds chirping as my parents and brother help me carry boxes to my dorm-
I can't believe it, I graduated and now I'm 7years  before my dream job. I'm so proud of me.

"Sweet heart...don't you...think you carry way too many books in these boxes?you don't need these books there's a library here you know"
says my mum while carrying the heavy box in her hands.
"Your such a bookworm" says my brother Billy.
"Oh shut up Billy, reading books actually educates you-,  why did you even name him after dad, mom?".
"Oh come on doesn't it match panda?... Bill and Billy?" says my dad
"Nope...not at all, and pls stop calling me panda" I say with a melting face.
"Oh don't be dumb liv, you look like a bear, isn't it obvious why dad calls you a panda?" says my brother while playing on his Nintendo Switch
My face is full of schock "Are... You calling me fat?"
"I meannnn" says Billy raising is eye brows and shoulders
My jaw drops even more.
"Oh you little pig I'm gonnna-"
"Alright alright, even though I'm gonna miss yall fightin together, this is ya first day if college, so let's make best of it" says my dad
"What do you mean "the best of it"?,  dad let me remind you I have school in half an hour" says Billy
"Oh right" says my dad as we arrive at my dorm.
"Alright well, this is it....our daughter is all grown up" says my mom smiling hard
"Yeahh..." says my dad while a tear falls from his eyes
"Oh dad it's fine, it's not like I'm moving to another country or something" I say
"Alright, I'll miss you panda"
"I'll miss you too dad and mom and... LITTLE PIGGY!" I say laughing
"I'll miss you too panda" says my brother as I squeeze him.
"Alright alright that's enough" says my brother grumply.
"Alright well bye darling" says my Mom as they all leave.
"And don't forget to call every morning!!" yells my dad from a distance
"Yeah sure!" I yell back

Alright now I just have to unpack.

30 minutes later...

Olivia's POV:

Okay I should probably do something usefull now, I mean first class starts tomorrow so today I'm free...

I grab a book and start reading my book

As I'm relaxing and reading my book, someone walks in.
It's a girl she has red hair and green eyes. She looks nice

"Heyyyyy" she says
"Um.. Hi? Can I help you?"I ask confused
"oh sorry...right I'm just walking around all the dorms asking if anyone needs a guide" she says

That's so nice of her oh my.

"Oh...well um I could use a guide right now" I say getting out of my bed
"Great well follow me, oh I'm Grace by the way...Grace west" she sticks out her hand for a handshake while walking
"Olivia... Johnson" I shake her hand
"Cool well this is the library and-... "
As we are walking and Grace is talking, a guy walks past,with tattoos, glasses, and he looks quite familiar but I can't put my finger on it.
"Huh"I say licking my teeth staring at the ground.
"you okay?" She asks
I snap out of it and say "what no yeah I'm where is the bathroom?" I ask Stupidly
"We litterly just walked past" she says squeezing her eyes
"Righhht, I'll be right back" i say pointing my finger at her and nodding at the same time
And run to the bathroom...
As I enter the bathroom I look in the mirror and say "alright it's not him, it's just sum random guy with tattoos, I mean Alex would never put tattoos  he's not that kinda-  okay you have to snap out of it Olivia, even though it is him, who cares?, I mean not me...right?... Okay we're just gonna get out of the bathroom and pretend like non of what I just said.. Was said"
I leave the bathroom and say "hey Grace, sorry about that I just needed to use the bathroom...u know...lady issues"
"Sure no problem..well anyways that was all I had to show you, let me walk you back to your dorm" she says
As we arrive at my dorm Grace asks "hey you don't have a dorm mate?"
"Yeah, I don't know, maybe there late? I think"
"Yeah... Alright well I'm gonna go... Oh by the way there's a party at my friends apartment you should come...i know it's too early for a party but my friends wanted to have a quick party so...yeah"
"Oh okay well...where?" I ask
"You see that big house
across the street?" she points to the house
"Thats the one...Alright eight o'clock then" she says
"Yeah sure" I reply
"okay great see you then, bye Olivia'
"yeah, bye Grace" I say
A few minutes later I fall asleep on my bed.

5hours later...

I wake up and it's seven thirthy

I notice the bed next to me is made up and a few boxes and a quitar next to it and a few posters on the wall.
I Geuss my dorm mate already came.

I get of my bed and head to the bathroom.
But as I enter... Someone is in there taking a bath.
"I'm so sorry!" I say, and I pause for a second
I close the door behind me, I grab my denim jacket, and jeans skirt, wear it and also take my book because I'm not gonna do much at the party and leave right a way. I look for Grace so we could go to her friend's party

I find Grace and she's wearing, a really...sparkly dress

"hey Grace"
"Heyyy Olivia... You look...great" she says studying my plain outfit
"So whose this friend of yours?" I ask
"Oh her name is Kayla" she says and shows me a picture.
Oh no... Oh... No... That's Kayla Perez... That evil snake son of b-
"Are you alright? " she looks at me making A LOT of angry expressions
"Oh yeah, no, I'm fine let's just go to the party" I say.

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