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Olivia's POV:

I'm sitting relaxed in class biting my pencil trying to solve a riddle as Alex walks in interrupting the teaching.

"your late...." The teacher days to Alex and pauses
"First day of school and your late??"
The teacher says looking disappointed
"I had ahh..." Alex says as
The teacher raises her head waiting for an answer
"a rough morning" he finally finishes his sentence

She studies him for a moment

"Take a seat" she says continuing her teaching

As he walks past me I can't help but admire that good Cologne.

He smells sooo good...
Oh no he's sitting next to me
Not even giving me a glance or saying hi... I mean I don't even want him to sit next to me anyway.

"Are you that hungry?" He asks
"Huh?" I say chewing my pencil

"Oh um, I'm not hungry" I say

"I'll pick you up after class, which is in five minutes" he says

I'm confused?

"What but...I-" I say as he interrupts
"I know your hungry" he says

When I was younger, if I was hungry i always bite a pencil as if it's a chewing stick,... He still remembers I geuss.

"Okay... I do want food" I admit
As he smiles

After class Alex picks me up in his Mercedes Benz... Okay I know his family was rich, but I didn't know he was THAT rich or is the price of a Mercedes Benz funny in his world?

We enter the restaurant and not gonna lie it's quite fancy, I was thinking more cafe like but... Not that I'm complaining obviously.
As we take a seat he asks
"So, what have you been up to?"

I hesitate to answer

"Um, nothing much just studying a lot"

"Mhhmm" he nods as he is looking at the menu
"what do you wanna eat?" He asks
"Um...(I hesitate) the burger looks pretty delicious?" I say as the waitress arrives

"Good evening, who is the lovely couple?" She asks smiling

"Oh were not... Here together- I mean we ARE here together just not... Together-" I say as Alex and the waitress looks at me as if I'm dumb

"We're not dating" says Alex atlast

"WELL! in that case, feel free to call anytime if you.... Have an order" she says flirtatiously as she writes down her number on a peace of paper.

Okay... Isn't this like the number one rule of a job as a waitress?


anyways as she's writing down her number I notice her breast look sooo big...but sooo fake too.
Which brings me back to that one time my mom had plastic surgery done on her b**bs and tried to seduce her boss with it to get more salary.
She told me this story when I was 9...yeah 'real sisies ain't snitchies', she told me. Of course I didn't tell dad. Now she has saggy boobs and cries every night wishing she could have her fake
Kim Kardashian boobs back.

I mean why DO people even do plastic Surgery... Why would you wanna be plastic????.

I notice that Alex isn't even looking at her breast wich is surprising... The Alex I know wouldnt even just look
He'd tell girls what he's seeing
Like that one time Kayla walked past him in high school and he said.
"Now thats a coke bottle!!"....
And that's how they "fell in love" with each other...
I can't believe I was bestfriends with a creep....a cute creep-
ahem I mean... You know what I mean.

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