𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠

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As 𝑂𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑎 sits there, lost in her own thoughts, she suddenly notices Alex slowly making his way towards her. Her heart skips a beat, and a mix of surprise and curiosity fills her. She can't help but wonder what he's about to do. As he gets closer, she starts to feel a rush of emotions - a combination of excitement, nervousness, and a hint of disbelief. Her palms may become slightly sweaty, and her breath may quicken as she eagerly waits to see what will happen next.As Alex walks up to Olivia, his steps are deliberate and measured. Each stride exudes confidence and purpose. His body language is relaxed yet determined, as if he's on a mission to reach her. With every step, he closes the distance between them, his gaze fixed on Olivia. It's as if the world around him fades away, leaving only the two of them in that moment. His walk is filled with anticipation, building up the suspense of what's about to unfold between them. As Alex reaches Olivia, she feels a surge of desire coursing through her veins. Her heart races with anticipation, her body tingling with excitement. The intensity of Alex's touch on her neck sends shivers down her spine, and when their lips meet, it's like a fire ignites within her. Olivia is both surprised and thrilled by the passion of the kiss, her nerves quickly transforming into a wild exhilaration. She surrenders herself to the moment, feeling a mix of vulnerability and empowerment as the world around them fades into the background. It's a thrilling experience for Olivia, leaving her craving more of this electrifying connection with Alex.

Without a word he slowly went back to his seat as if nothing happend and left everyone speechless especially ishani, who wiped her lip gloss off out of embarrassment.

I can't help but Iet out a little smile
As I see her feel embarrassed

"Wow... Um.. I wasn't exactly expecting THAT but um okay... " Grace says

And without further talk we continued the game as if nothing happend

After we finish we take a minute to chat and relax before they leave.

But somehow my mind is occupied with the way Alex kissed me.

His Peach colored lips tasted as sweet as candy, and the thought just makes me gently bite and touch my lips, until Nick snaps me out of it



"You've been staring at the ground for about 8minutes straight"

"Oh sorry" I giggle

"You okay?" He asks


"Alright" he says

"Hey actually I have a question"  I say

I have never felt so dumb, arrogant and nonchalant in my life.

"Did u know you're dating you best friends ex girlfriend?"

I promise those words came out my mouth by accident and I didn't mean to ruin anything. I have no idea what happened in my brain but for some reason I couldn't hold that thought in.

And before you know it... An argument has started in the room.

Nick questioning Kayla and Alex.

"Is it true?!" Nick asks Kayla concerned

"Yes but... " Kayla tries to reason

"No" Nick mutters

"Who told you this" Alex asks

And for 2minutes straight, all eyes were on me.

"Are you f*cking serious?this whore tells you something and you believe her? You don't even know her! " Kayla yells

"No f*ck you Kayla" Nick says furious

"Hey don't talk to her like that I get it you're mad-" Alex says frowning his eyebrows

"I'm out of the business.. " Nick says as every one looks  concerned

Alex grabs Nick by the arm and pulls him to the side.

As they he whispers words into Nicks ear

***what the f*ck are you doing, you want everyone to know about this*** Alex says

***Rather that then work with a bastard***Nick says furious

***You're gonna drop this for a f*cking girl are you serious*** Alex says

"I'm done man" Nick says leaving

"I knew you since middle school... And always thought u were a sl*t... I was right..." Kayla says as she leaves following Nick

"Wow Liv" grace says disappointed.

Everyone else takes a second and also leaves the place not wanting anymore drama.

I walk up to the door and close it taking a second before turning around to see Alex... Pacing around the room.  He looks at me frustrated
Fighting the urge to yell

He stops pacing  and walks up to me...

"Alex I'm s-" before I could finish he says

"The F*CK you're sorry" as a single tear falls down from my eye knowing I broke a probably long lasting friendship

"Alex I didn't mean to ...It just... It just slipped out"

"Slipped out...?...Olivia you just broke two relationships...with a few words out of your mouth that just...slipped out?"

After a few minutes

He sighs and puts his hands behind his head. Then leans on the kitchen table, taking a deep breath.

Without saying a word or looking me in the eyes..
And after I thought he calmed down, I apologize

"I'm.. Sorr-"


And without another word, he grabbed his jacket and left again.

After a while I find myself sitting naked on the bathroom floor as water streames down my head while I think about what I've done earlier today

To be continued, guys sorry for not updating to the once who stayed tuned. But yeah I'm back at it again so... Stay tuned😄

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