Episode 2: The Man In The Straw Hat (pt 2)

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3rd POV:
Luffy slowly opens his eyes, feeling dizzy from the smoke before turning his head, noticing that they are somewhere. Then, Nami opens her eyes as Luffy whispers in Zoro's ear, waking him up.

Max also wakes up, quickly sits up, holding Ash tightly as he slept before standing up with the box for support. Everyone looks around in confusion before Zoro notice something.

"They took my swords." "And my rucksack, ugh with all my navigation gear." "And they also took my sword and the beaten up bag with all of my stuff and Ash's."

Luffy quickly lifts his hand fast to sigh a relief that they didn't took his strawhat. "Damnit, we've lost the map." Nami said, panicking.

But, Luffy insures Nami that it's in a safe place before patting his stomach. "Ew." Then, Zoro tries to break the box to escape and beat up someone.

"Hey. Stop. Stop that. Stop that." "What? I'm trying to find a way out." We've been captured. We need a plan." "I don't need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every marine I see."

Zoro and Nami bicker before Max quites them down. "Sh! What if they hear us? Plus, I don't think it's Marines. If it was, they would of shot a cannon ball at us."

"She's right. before I got knocked out, I saw a jolly roger. We've been captured by pirates." "That's much better news." "No, he's right. Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill."

Then, Luffy goes on by quoting what Shanks taught him before Zoro asked him who he is. "Someone whom I know since I was younger and hold dear to my heart." Max said as Zoro gets a weird feeling when they said that.

Luffy and Nami argue before the lid of the box opens up, revealing a circus with everyone doing tricks. Once they were out of the box, they noticed the audience were chained by their ankles.

'Poor them......don't you all worry, we'll free you all. This is the part where Buggy comes in to look for the map.....'

Mojih held up a sign that said "applause" for the people to clap and laugh by force and fear. Luffy looked happy and clapped before Max and Nami stopped him.

"No. No, no, no, no. Stop clapping!" Behold, walks out Buggy The Clown, stopping the act with a frustrating look on his face.

"No, stop! It's all wrong! That spotlight was late. You completely missed my entrance." The light was moved to Buggy as he got into Mojih's face of where the dancing lion is.

"Hey, I know you." Luffy interrupted, ignoring Max telling him to stop. "I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You're the clown guy. Um, uh...Binky, right?"

"Buggy. Buggy the Clown. Buggy, the Flashy Fool. Buggy, The Genius Jester." Buggy introduce himself, impressing Luffy.

"Wow. You have a lot of names. I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are." Everyone gasped in horror as Buggy looked mad.

"What did you just say?" "Just that everyone knows who you are." "Nose?!" Buggy grabs Luffy's face as his crew brought out their weapons.

Max, Zoro and Nami look around them as both Nami and Zoro circled around Max while they grip on Ash tightly more.

"Are you making fun of my nose?" Buggy asked Luffy. "Well...I wasn't. But now that you mention it, is that thing for real?" Luffy tries to touch Buggy's nose, but got his hand slapped.

"What's real is, I've been scheming for months to steal that map from old Axe-hand Mornon..." Buggy went up close to the two females, expecting a laugh, but the ladies looked at each other, blank face.

"Huh? Eh.....only to find out that I was upstaged by 4 little nobodies, who stole it from right out under my no--" Then, Buggy gets angry from getting the word "nose" in his head.

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