Episode 5: Eat At Baratie! (pt 1)

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3rd POV:
The stand off still continues as Zoro asks the duo. "Did you guys call that guy, Grandpa?" He said.

They looked at the ship as they fired, but missed their ship as the duo remembers a memory about Garp.

Luffy's flashback

"Hoist the yard! Batten down the hatches! Raise the mizzenmast, men! Prepare to board." Young Luffy raises his small flag on a ship that he made, smiling.

"Our ship is ready to sail." Luffy looks at the flag before a voice is heard behind him. "What's the meaning of this?" Luffy turns around, seeing a prime Garp looks at him and wearing his marine suit.

"Grandpa, it's my first ship." Luffy said before Garp cute him off before he could say something else.

"How do you expect to be a marine when you're wasting your time on this?" "I don't want to be a marine. I'm a pirate!"

This angers Garp as he lifts Luffy off the makeshift ship and completely destroyed it. Luffy pleaded with him to stop it before picking up a rip flag.

Garp grabs Luffy and turns him around, saying that his training starts now. Garp lifts Luffy onto his shoulder, "but first....lunch."

Then, he runs off to get something to eat as Luffy struggles to get off of Garp's grip.

-End of flashback-

(Now, the moment y'all might be looking forward to! Get to see Max's flashbacks for the first time! Okay, let's go!)

Max's flashback

Max is sweeping the floor at Dadan's place, wearing a white dress with a noticeable bump on her stomach, meaning that she's pregnant with Ash.

As she's sweeping, they hear a voice entering the home. "So, this is where you been hiding? I was wondering why I don't hear you on the papers."

Max quickly turns around, seeing Garp, breathing heavily. Garp noticed the baby bump, holding a newspaper in his hand.

"So it's true? You met a noble, got pregnant and killed his whole family?" Max cliches her first with anger on her face.

"Why, Maxine?" Garp asked, not getting an answer from Max. "Answer me, young lady."

Then, Max snapped at Garp, dropped the broom onto the floor. "Half of it is not true, Grandpa!! I thought I trusted him!! I loved him!! I thought he loved me!! I thought he was the one!! But, that son of a bitch used me, betrayed me and wants to sell my child to the Celestial Dragons when the baby is born!!"

"Now, I'm hiding here like Aunty Rouge did with Ace!! Make sure that they don't find me and kill my child!! What do you want me to do about it, Grandpa?! I know for a fact that you can't do anything about it and I'm not gonna work with the marines like the warlords!!"

Max breaths heavily before hearing something that she wishes she didn't heard it. "What if I take the baby somewhere else when they are born? That way, nobody wouldn't harm them if they weren't with you, knowing of your status as the Pirate Queen." Garp said.

Then, Max screams at Garp, breaking every glass in the house around before picking up a table and throws it at the wall, breaking it into pieces.

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