Episode 8: Worst In The East (pt 1)

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3rd POV:
Young Nami sits on a stoll as a fishman grabs a needle with blue ink. Nami whimpers as the fishman basically stabs her with the needle to give her the tattoo.

Once she gets it, every day Nami gets chained up to work on the map while bleeding from her fingers.

And every night, Nami sleeps on the floor with no warmth to smooth her.

-End of flashback-

The gang walk to Coco Village, seeing everything burned to the ground. "Arlong did this? Why?" Sanji spoke up.

"To punish the villagers. To punish me." Nami quietly said before seeing her people walking over to them with weapons.

Revealing that they all know about Nami's sacrifice and are done living in fear and to fight for their freedom.

Nami begs them not to join and that it's her fight. "No. This is our fight. Right, guys?" "Finally, I get to cut something." "Yup. Ready to kick his ass for poisoning me all those years."

"But how are we gonna beat Arlong? We saw what he did at Baratie." "Every creature had a weakness." "We'll know once we fight them. It's gonna be one hell of a fight, guys."

At the marine ship, Captain Nezumi walks up to the ship as Garp's right hand man asked him to follow him to Garp's office

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At the marine ship, Captain Nezumi walks up to the ship as Garp's right hand man asked him to follow him to Garp's office.

In the office, Garp is looking at the map of Conomi Islands whole Koby and Helmepoo are looking at documents as Bogard called Garp.

"Vice Admiral. The welcoming party has arrived." Nezumi greets Garp and saluting him. "You might not think it's a pleasure when you hear what I have to say."

Garp said, getting straight to the point. "I have received word of pirate activity at Coco Village." Nezumi lies his way and Koby calling bullshit on it.

"Really? Then, how to explain this?" Garp pulls out a snail phone and presses a bottom to hear a certain voice.

"[Sighs] Hey, grandpa. It's me, Max. To get into the point, did you know that the 16th Branch of the marines are working together with Arlong to keep his activities hidden from marine headquarters. Mainly Captain Nezumi. I even have a whole document as evidence that I have sent to Bogard about this messy situation. It shows the deal and the amount of berries that Arlong bribed Ratatouille looking ass bitch to cover his tracks. That is all and have a great day at work, grandpa. Ummm, I miss you. Bye."

Garp looks back at Nezumi, looking like he just shit a cactus out of his asshole and finally having his lies crashing down like every TikTok influencers career.

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