Chapter 19

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On her way inside the house she saw Fugaku standing infront of the door.

"Before you scold me or tell me how wrong I was.... Atleast have a little faith in 'your' son. I know you love both of them but show that atleast" 

As she went inside, she was met with Mikoto's gaze. Who was infront of her. Itachi stood behind her, head still down. Naruto and Sasuke were standing behind Mikoto.

Mikoto came down to Hinatas eye level


Hinata POV-


Mikoto came to my eye level.... Fuck? Did I overdo it?

"Asking you to stay the night here was the best decision, Always remain like this. Chin up when you haven't done something wrong" she said patting my head with a small smile. Then leaving me with Itachi, Naruto and Sasuke.

"Hina never try to pick fight with elders.... Please! they just want you to make a little mistake to humiliate you..." Said Sasuke while grabbing my right hand

".... And you being a Hyuga doesn't makes that any better.... Sasuke is right" said Naruto grabbing my left hand.... I hugged both of them

"Brother Itachi.... Are you ok?" Sasuke asked Itachi

"Itachi are you k? Please say something" said Naruto.... Itachi finally looked up and smiled at two of them

"I'm totally fine you two"

"Naruto Sasuke, I need to talk to Itachi till then you guys wait downstairs k" I said while leading Itachi upstairs, he followed without a single word yet again.... We entered his room and sat down.

"Itachi.... Don't make reckless decision no matter how hard it is.... Don't sacrifice 'anything'.  Don't make hard decision and just like I have said Don't shoulder your burden all alone" I said

"I found this on the forest cliff.... I didn't save Shisui" said Itachi while showing me the bracelet I gave to Shisui..... Shisui Uchiha you dared to throw away that when I always reminded you not to.... You have some serious explanations to say when you wake up.

"I didn't save Shisui... You would have right?" 

"Itachi you-"

"I- didn't save Shis-"  before he could complete his sentence I slapped him.... I slapped him right on the face cause he was blabbering bullshit, he clearly needed a reality check.

"It's not that you didn't save him.... It's you couldn't save him... You wanted to but you couldn't.... Stop acting like a dead shit Itachi, you are hurting me, Sasuke, Naruto, Mikoto and who not" I said shaking him

"I'm sorry"

"No, I'm sorry.... I just went overboard slapping you I shouldn't have" I said even tho I was not sorry..... But I did show my sincerity in my apology.

"I don't care if you slap me or anything.... Just answer this one question. Will you believe me even if no one did.... Not even Sasuke or mom" he asked finally looking at my eyes.... It sent chills to my spine.... What the fuck just happened right here right now

"I- I'll.... Even if no one did, I promise you I'll believe in you" I said as I hugged him.... The look that was in his eye I can't describe it.... Ok I'll admit it, that look scared the shit Outta me.

"Itachi *sighs* don't let them get on your nerve.... Explain it to them instead of apologising, Apologising will just make things tough for you" I said letting go of the hug and pated his head.

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