Photo Shoots and Jealousy

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Sanem settled unto the sofa with a glass of red wine later that evening as she dialed Santo's number.

Hola, hermana! Santo said as Sanem's face connected on the video call. What's wrong? You look a little worried.

Hey, love! You know EXACTLY why I'm worried! Spit it out..what did Mom tell you?

Santo chuckled and shared with Sanem that their Mom felt like something more was going on then what she was being told about this Can person. 

Something about her bones?? Santo said with a questioning face. You know, Mom. She thinks she's a clairvoyant. So what IS going on?

Sanem sighed and recounted everything to him ending with the delivery of flowers and the fact that Can was coming to the office to do a photo shoot the next morning.

Can Yaman? I kinda remember him from school. Hang on..looking him up...oh..oh WOW! Sanem..he's a pretty big deal! And he's coming to basically do head shots for you? Yeah. I'm going with Mom's bones..a celebrity like that isn't going to do a menial job for a girl he once sorta kinda knew in high school. This guy is into you, babe!

Santo! That's just not possible!, Sanem exclaimed. Lowering her voice to a mere whisper she said, I mean..look at him! There's no way a guy like that is into a girl like me.

I'm looking, girl. He's a very very good looking guy but you don't seem to understand. You are a beautiful woman, Sanem, inside and out. Any guy..this guy or any other guy..would be crazy not to fall for you. You're smart, ambitious, kind, loving. Don't make yourself something less than you are.

You have to say that, Santo! You're my brother, teased Sanem.

He just laughed but asked her, Seriously now, babe. This is a big deal. I mean I know the kiss and embrace was not planned but you said you felt something. That's a big step for you. I'm happy for you. Truly. No matter what happens, this is a good thing for you. It may be time to start processing how to let go and maybe what it would be like to start dating again or even love again. 

I mean, I know you'll never get over Nicolas or ever ever forget him, but you have the rest of your life to live and I want it to be filled with joy and love and passion again. 

You know how much I loved Nicolas too. But he would have wanted to see you happy again! Of that I am sure.

Sanem took a sip of her wine and answered quietly, Yes, Wendy said the same thing. I don't know, Santo. I'm so confused but mostly scared. So so scared. Guilty, nervous, excited. Oh man, I'm a mess! Plus he doesn't live here permanently. He travels all over the world. 

You just saw his profile info. He's not staying. Whatever this is that I'm feeling, it can't happen. So..I guess that's that. We will be friends, he will leave soon and I'll...well, I'll be here continuing to pursue our dream.

You mean Nicolas' dream, he said softly. Listen, I know you love running the publishing house but when are you going to take your writing seriously and publish your OWN book? Just think about it.

 I've got to go finish up some emails before it gets too late here but promise to keep me updated ok? I love you, Sanem! You deserve to chase your dreams too. That's all I'm saying.

I love you too, hon..good night, Sanem said as she ended the call and brought her cozy blanket up closer to her face. 


The next morning was a flurry of activity in the office. Sanem arrived early to make sure that everything was in place before everyone arrived. Gonul made sure there was coffee made, breakfast items were set up and the area where they would be shooting was ready.

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