Chapter 3 : A Lovely Afternoon~

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Location : Charles Tavern

Narrator POV



Oh how truly wonderful this is~ The tarven, a place where many join hands in companionship, good food and a little mingle on the dance floor. Nothing quite like a fun atmosphere in a small building.

However we're not here to talk about that useless information, there's a story amongst this fine establishment and a little bit of entertainment to keep us occupied.

Well why don't we start it off with a little conversation between a sheriff, a dog and a rat. Here's what they have to say~!

Oh goodness gracious I completely forgot something important! Here's some tavern music to go with the immersion I suppose?

Sheriff Sullivan : " What a load of mind blowing bullshit! Never have I heard of such crappy rumors in my life!"

Sergeant Gilbert : " It's true Sulli-san, honest to my truest heart in my soul. The Queen of Hearts has become more deranged than usual, some are saying she's lopping off heads like it's another boring day in her life."

Sergeant Gilbert : " Apparently those so called rumors were spread by one of her servents, saying all sorts of nasty things about her. However in the end those same people saying all that stuff, ended up dead for being too careless with their words."

Sheriff Sullivan : " Wait seriously?- Bwahahahahahah~! Well call me a jackass, but those fucking idiots had it coming a mile away. I mean children with power and arrogance are meant to lead the world into destruction."

Pat the Rat : " I have to agree with Sulli over here as well, of course those guys had it coming. If I were them I would've already kept my mouth shut from the very beginning."

Sheriff Sullivan : " Ha! Well said Patty, we'll said!"

Sergeant Gilbert : " Y-Yeah they were pretty stupid I guess... yet at the same time Wonderland is gonna be more of a hell hole now than ever, since pissing off a tyrant literally spells doom for everyone....."

Pat the Rat : " Yeah man already we have to deal with the Mad Bird Jub Jub..... This is just adding fuel to the fire......"

Sheriff Sullivan : " Damn straight partner! Ever since the Carpenter disappeared, Wonderland went downhill into a complete shit show. That bastard made some shortcuts building this fucking place and now we gotta deal with a bitchy Queen!"

Sheriff Sullivan : " And not mention the Knight that went off with our rabbit prostitute, man I could use some bunny pussy right about now~"

Pat the Rat : " Your talking about that weird man from earlier right? He went off with Mary somewhere without saying a word. I hope he doesn't do anything harmful to her, because that fella wasn't looking right to me."

Sheriff Sullivan : " Yeah! That bastard took my whore and now my dick's hurting for good time!"

Pat the Rat : " (-_-)"

Sergeant Gilbert : "........ Sure whatever you say Sulli-san, but you gotta be careful from catching any sexual diseases from that woman. She slept with almost every man in Wonderland."

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