Chapter 4 : A Maid's Daily Life Of Happiness~

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Location : The Bridge at the edge of Lutwidge Town




(Y/N) : " Welp this is the bridge everybody at the Tavern was talking about, I gotta say I'm quite disappointed with the outcome though."

They said there was a terrifying monster that lurked this place, The Beast of Diversion they called it. The creature was claimed to be so hideous porcupine monstrosity that any man would flee in terror just by the mere sight of it's horrible features.

Of course being curious about the entire thing I decided to ask the bar keeper about it, he didn't wanna tell me much since it was dangerous and any fool dumb enough to go there is suicide. However that didn't stop me from nagging him constantly.

And thanks to that he gave in, told me the details, layed out the directions and said 'We'll kid it's been nice knowing yeah, hopefully it isn't a painful death. Good luck out there Ordinary Knight'.

Even after saying those 'words of wisdom' I still decided to go after the bloody thing and thanks to Griffy earlier, I got the directions to it's location. Honestly the place isn't even that far and the only threats that stood in my way were just a flock of crows.... and some dogs..... especially the dogs.

Those God damn dogs! Listen I love animals I really do love them with my very soul much, but they were invading my personal space in order to maul me to death and action had to be taken!

I only abuse animals, if they abuse me first. That's the motto I stuck by and wasn't going to be some little bitch to those crazy ass dogs. With a few swings from my sword I managed to cut most of them down, while others retreated back into the darkness.

I was quite surprised I even knew how to wield a sword properly, Cheshire Cat just gave this to me on the spot and already I'm kicking ass. It was like I used to this sorta on repeat many times, yet I can't remember doing anything with it at all...... I wonder how Cheshire is doing, I haven't see her since the rabbit hole. Then again she's also another weirdo I should avoid.....

Well let's just forget about it and focus on the more recent disappointment I'm facing right now, being ready for combat and actually waiting for the fight of my life was kinda exciting. I know I should be shit scared and trust me I was, yet it's fascinating to meet strange monsters.

Curiosity killed the cat yes, yet don't they always land on their feet? It's 50/50 chance of dying in agony or having the time of my life like an overpower character. Call me dumb, but you'll only get to live once right!


However there was a tiny little problem that occurred during my arrival towards the bridge.......


The so called 'Beast of Diversion' was nowhere to be seen and only thing that was in front of me was an empty view across the bridge..... All the excitement of defeating a monster was thrown out window..... Actually thrown off the bridge......


(Y/N) : " Seriously we're they trolling me or something, because there's nothing here! Oh God they were trolling me all along and I took the bait like a complete idiot, *sigh~* I can't believe I fell for it so easily......."

(Y/N) : " What's the point of using a sword if I'm only going to whack wild animals and I'm sure as hell not gonna keep doing that. I th-thought this was going my first boss battle, sadly I keep hoping for a loss."

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