;Chapter 1;

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Music blasting from the radio, Mantis sticking her head out the window, ears flopping in the wind. A beep from your GPS and a big ol' sign signals something great. "Mannyyy!! We made it to our first stop, Santa Carla!" Patting her big head, a huge smile spreads across your face as Mantis howls back at you.

"Only a little longer than we can walk!" Pushing through the next few minutes of driving -and finding a parking spot- you and Mantis had finally made it to the boardwalk, as much as you would rather find a motel, as the sun has already set but Ms. Impatient wanted to walk (+get more attention) so badly and how could you say no to such a cute face?

Walking down the parking lot, clipping the leash onto Manny's collar. You can see all sorts of lights from shops and flashy rides sleeping onto the boardwalk's walkway. Hearing the music play from the beach flow with the wind, as you admire the ocean itself, the moonlight adores the tides, it was truly therapeutic.

But all was ruined as a roar of motorcycles destroyed the peaceful atmosphere, Manny ducks in between your legs in a protective manner, growling back. Holding her leash tightly in your fist, hoping they pass by quickly unsure of how much longer you can hold her like this.

A curly blonde catches your eye first. Though all of them were hollering, his long curly hair, his patched jacket, and even the motorcycle itself was captivating. Then the worst possible thing happens, they start to circle around you.

Holding even tighter onto Manny's leash you bounce around your options, not noticing how clearly amused the boys are by your fear. Another blonde male with poofy hair gets a little too close causing Mantis to start barking up a storm and tug harshly against her leash wanting nothing more than these men to stop bothering her and her person.

Still hollering, a spikey blonde (how many blondes can be in one place??) pulls out of the circle, the only brunette following right after with the other blondes not too far behind.

Finally, some peace. Waiting till they were farther away -and for your heart to stop beating so fast- you slowly start listening your grip on the leash, giving Manny a scratch behind her ears, "Thank you for protecting me,, again.", This was about the 3rd time she had protected you in scary situations. First time as you were in the beginning stages of living in a house with your boys in Woodsboro. They had thrown a party one night, unannounced to you. Well, it was apart of their plan! Just not you. They thought you had taken an extra shift that night, hell they thought they'd have an hour or two to spare after cleaning up. But there you were, in a middle of a murder. Stu, still a bit hazy from the rush, was just about to lunged right towards you.

Then comes big ol' Mantis running right to your rescue! Leaping onto Stu and absolutely body slamming that lanky man to the ground. Billy was just on the other side of the hall watching it all go down. That part of their plan that night had been a success! Though they had lots of explaining and bandaging up to do.
What happened with the 2nd incident? Well, it involved a beautiful autumn late-night walk, and a angry raccoon.

Too distracted by your thoughts and the lack of food in your stomach, you end up bumping into someone, 'another goddamn blonde.'. Though the noticable lack of four certain punks sent a wave of relief through your bones. "Sorry! Should've watched where I was going, haha." "Yeah me too," The blonde puts his hands up and backs away a little "Sorry."
Awkwardly smiling at each other and trying to make your way out of all this, but Manny has different ideas and decided that she won't leave that very spot. Goddamnit Manny. You whistle for her and try to tug her towards you. Nothing.

You awkwardly smile once more, rubbing the back of your neck, not noticing the tall curly brunette coming up to the both of you. But Mantis did, her ears went flat and a low quite growl from her and it still goes unnoticed by you.

A hand on your shoulder practically makes you jump two feet in the air "Is something wrong?" He looks over to the blondie "What did you do??" You hold your hand over your heart, gosh you lived with two murders for years fearlessly but a couple strangers scare you? "Don't blame the kid, it's my fault. I bumped into him." You explain dryly, silence flooding over you four ((counting Manny:))). Besides the sounds from the loud booming outside world, in your little circle none of you spoke a word. Just you, swaying side by side.

"Does she bite?" The kid asks, "Nope, Not at all! She's a big baby, super friendly!" I mean like, look at her! Do you think that cute little baby could bite anyone? Let alone be aggressive. At least, when your not surrounding her person with a menacing aura (looking at you alley racoon).

He kneels down to pet her and looks at her dog tag, "Mantis?" He looks up at you with a raised eyebrow. Chuckling you explain, "Almost named her Beetle, but she liked Mantis more. And besides little dude, bugs are cool!!" The words struck something within the brunette as he looks at you with widen eyes full of realization. Giving his head a small shake he asks, "What'd you say your name was?" "Huh? Well, her names Mant-" he shakes his head once more and cuts you off, "No, no. YOUR name." You stupid idiot. Laughing to cover up your mistake "It's uh, M/n" You spoke as if it was a lie.
His eyes widen a little more and he leans in towards you, "L/n?" he says.

FUCKING PARDON? Smiling politely as you chew the inside of your cheek, "MHM?" Maybe your voice went a little high, maybe the fear striking your heart caused it. But why does this MAN know your FULL name?
He looks down/up at you disappointed, "You seriously don't remember me, do you?" REMEMBER WHAT, PAL? Tilting your head to the side "Hmm?" Your voice still a little high pitched, your circle goes quiet again.

Disbelief flashes on his face and he points to himself, eyebrows furrowed  "I'm Micheal." You just look at him, tilting your head to the OTHER side. He sighs, "Emerson?" It finally clicks in your himbo brain. "HOLY MOLY DUDE WHAT." WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT?! One of the children of the lady who used to babysit you, one of your childhood best friends, RIGHT HERE!! Hold on,, "HOLD ON, hold on,, So, HE'S." Pointing to the blondie, who's just getting up from petting Manny, dusting the dirt/sand off his pants. "What's happening??" He asks, you look look over to him with a big smile, "AWWE SAAAAMM!! YOU WERE JUST A BABYYYY, YOU WOULDN'T REMEMBERRR!!!" You say, pulling him close to your being. You are quite dramatic when it comes to your childhood AND cute little reunions. "Where's Miss Lucy?!" You look from side to side, "She's at a dinner date, right now." Micheal answers, watching as Sam struggles to escape your bear hug.

Only a couple feet away sit those four punks you were so worried about bumping into again, just watching and listening. The now full vampire Michael with a plain human. The human could've easily been a meal by now, surely. But the warmth their cold dead hearts felt around him said otherwise. They knew what it has meant, they just expected for it to be a woman. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.
They all share their opinions through their thoughts, Michael heard all of it. He continues to glance over to the side, listening to three conversations at once. The conversation with you, the mind conversation the punks are having and your very own thoughts.


Corey Haim • Sam Emerson

((Michael and the boys will be in their late 20s, I know vampires don't age physically.
horror/villain wiki is my best friend rn but I'm still struggling.))

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