;Chapter 2;

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Finishing your walk with Mantis, you already decided that after locking her up ((with the windows down.>:()) you were going to hang out with Mikey! And that's exactly what happened!! Sam had ran off to meet up with some friends of his, supposedly they're Vampire Hunters, he's just as confused as you. So you were alone with Michael, in line for the Farris wheel. Looking around at the pretty ocean, all of the people, and the vibrant lights -and at Michael- with the goofiest/biggest smile on your face, gosh you were so happy to meet Mikey again.

Your happiness was cut short as four familiar punks come up to y'all. Holding yourself behind Michael as they walk closer, the curly head walking into your safety bubble while the rest stay right in front of Michael.

"Leave him alone, Marko." Mikey moves his foot in front of him, stopping him for that moment, but it's no good as the 'Marko' guy pulls you out of your hiding spot.

"What's the big deal, Mikey? He's ain't doing nothing!" The 'Jon Bon Jovi' lookalike (( PAUL LOOKS LIKE HIM. during his blonde era )) says, ending his comment with a laugh while nudging Michael's side. Marko smiles at you, as your body stiffens. Yeah, you were a pretty strong guy! You could probably pick both Marko and 'poofy' up and throw 'em over your shoulder. But that doesn't mean you don't feel fear. These four men make you feel intimidated, though this fear, still so oblivious to you, is so very amusing to them. But, they didn't want you to be completely afraid of them.

"We haven't seen you around here before." A tall brunette says, leaning on Marko's shoulder, practically staring into your soul. "Where you from?" Marko says, his smile still present. As cute as he is, you're not stupid. Nor did you trust them with that information.
Pushing Marko, who surprisingly lets go, and the brunette away, walking closer to Michael. "I wanna leave Mike." You move your from the four boys to the himbo next to you, he nods and starts leading you to the parking lot.

The two of you speed walking to your van, Michael's hand on your back, in-between your shoulder blades. Your hands in your pockets fishing for your keys. The sound of engine starting out makes you almost sprint to unlock the side door, Mantis barking and growling towards both the sound and Michael. But before you could even unlock the door, the punks pull up to you two.

"You didn't let us introduce ourselves." The spikey blonde says with a smug smirk; you frown. "You don't have to," Mr. Spikey leans over on his bike, cocking an eyebrow, that damn smirk on his pretty face still present. Damnit. Another cutie. "I'm.. I'll be leaving tomorrow anyways." You say, fumbling over your words as Michael's hand finds its way from your shoulder blades your actual shoulder, his thumb resting against the back of your neck.

"You're already friends with our dear Michael," he gestures towards him. "Might as well get to know his other friends." He flashes a toothy grin.

"Drop it, David." Michael spits out.
Okay okay,, so maybe you should learn names. Gosh, There's already so many people and you just got on the road!
Marko tugs on the sleeve of your shirt, "C'mooonn! Just one rideee!" He drags his words with a sweet playful smile plastered on his face. Oh my gosh. You're falling for these cuties little trap. Seeing this grown man give you puppy dog eyes,, well isn't the first time it's happened. You've spent years with Stu's puppy dog eyes! You're strong!


YOU are strong! NO cute guy could change this!

Adore - Male reader x Male SlashersWhere stories live. Discover now