;Chapter 3;

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"And you just woke up in your car?"  Billy asks, as you munch on [diner food], sitting criss-cross ((applesauce)) on the floor of your van. Tossing Mantis a fry, you go to speak but is stopped. "My oh my! I know you're a magnet for scaaary~ psychos, but I'd didn't think it was gonna be THAT quick!" A thud echoing through the tiny speaker of your iPhone 3G. "Boys, play nicely." You tease, easing them both enough from fighting right then and there, you just continue eating knowing Stu will get his own kind of revenge after the call.

"If anything I was more worried about y'all rather than the 'psychos' I was with." You sightly lied to them. It wasn't completely incorrect, you were worried about them! And well, the men you were with weren't psychos, you hope.
You laugh at yourself.

Throughout your years of living with the Woodsboro boys, you couldn't remember a day they hadn't tried to text, call, or purposely run into you just for that slither of attention. "I wanna ask what you were doing but I think I have an idea.." your voice drifts off to a mumble. "I bet you do." Billy's voice booms through the speaker once more.

Finishing the last bite of [diner food] and giving Manny the last bit of fries, you dust off your [pants/shorts], "Alrighty Bill, I better start on the road again!" You muster up some joy, it's not that you didn't love see all the new AND old things, but you were still in California. And with how the clouds above are looking probably for a little longer too. It was disappointing to say the least.

But you still move on, saying your goodbyes to your boys and climbing up to the front seat, you didn't bother to change from last night. Hell, you found out those punks somehow unlocked your phone and put their numbers in your contacts list.

But hey, at least you got Michael's number! 'Maybe I will text 'em soon'. You thought while humming to the song on the radio. Setting your phone in an empty cupholder. Rolling down your window, the smell of rain practically hitting you in the face.
Pulling out onto the road, praying to all that would listen that you'll make it through the approaching storm


Quickly rolling your windows back up at a red light, the rain pouring down heavily hitting your van. This couldn't be safe to drive in. So, you do the best with what you got, and what you have is a pair of eyes to spot any hotels or motels to seek refuge in.
Still doing your best to look for signs, you finally spot one. Your bright, quite gloomy, guardian angel! Pulling over to the eerily emtpy parking lot, a beautiful, just as gloomy, house standing off behind the motel.

The name 'Bates Motel' definitely rings a couple alarm bells in your head, you have two of your own psycho murderers, who like to do their own 'research' on murderers. How wouldn't you know what this place is? Or at least what the articles had said about it.
Okay, okay. Maybe it's just new owners under the same name! Maybe this Norman guy was just falsely accused?
Who's to say?

Happily singing along with the radio as you park, "You better behave while I'm away." You boop Manny on her nose. Rushing out your van, grabbing your backpack full of essentials (locking it on the way out). Your jacket's hood up, running to under the awning. No sign, no light, no nothing. So, once more you take your best option.

Banging your fist on the door, trying to make enough noise that would attract someone.

You look back at the house, a woman's in the window watching, as a lanky man jogs his way down the stairs, umbrella in hand. Your fist still on the door, your head being the only thing facing him. Flashing him a awkward smile, a slight smile tugs on the man's own lips as well but other than that he stays blank. He gestures you to he office, walking in after you.

Adore - Male reader x Male SlashersWhere stories live. Discover now