;Chapter 6;

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Finally making it to your parked van, but there's no dog? No Mantis insight. Unlocking the vehicle, you start to rummage through the back searching for any signs of her.

You start to panic your hands shake as you push around the boxes. Not caring of the items inside, the something that matters to you is Mantis. You're pulled out of the van by a bear hug, despite Tommy's attempt to distract you, it doesn't stop you from panicking.

Appreciate his attempt to distract you from the worst case scenario but your mind cannot help but imagine all the possibilities of what might of happened to that big idiot.

This is an unknown place to both you AND Mantis. She could have been hurt or could have been stolen, or maybe she had ventured out in search for you, thinking that you were nearby!
But the thought of her being alone and vulnerable in an unfamiliar place and shivers down your spine, there's multiple possibilities of what happened to your pooch.

You push off Tommy's hands and continue to search, hands trembling, you try to push away the thoughts of Mantis being hurt or taken away. The uncertainty of this situation -and the small panic attack you were having- gnaws at your heart.

The bond shared with her was unbreakable and the thought of losing her is like losing your very own soul. As you search through the back of the van to your eyes catch a glimpse of something familiar Mantis's favorite toy, tucked away in a corner. Triggering your panic into something more intense, your hands shake and tingle at the same time, your heart pounding as you continue to process the side of Mantis's toy.

A flood of memories and emotions rush through your mind the torn worn and tattered from years of love and play hold a very special place in your heart. Thoughts race, wondering how you could have forgotten someone so important. Your thoughts are a mix of frustration, guilt and fear. Though you having said anything, your body language worries both the boys behind you. Tommy notices your distress, and without hesitation, he rushes to your side. His arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace once more.

The warmth and security of his hug supply comfort momentarily easing the turmoil within you it feels as if he created a protective shield around you. Shielding you from the worries and anxieties that threaten to overwhelm you.

You stand there holding on to both boys tightly. The worry on their faces is replaced with relief, and you knowing that you're not allowing your distress has you gather your strength, and has finally calmed down.
A heavy headache makes itself noticeable, not shedding a single tear during any of this really messed with your head.

Your search for Mantis will have to wait, neither Tommy not Bubba would let you leave after what you just went through. Crawling into the van, you invite the boys to join you, assuring them that you will bring them home back in the morning "Just stay with me, please.". You ask in a whimper, letting Bubba snuggle up to you.

Bubba, though visibly tired, musters a small smile. A loving looking his eyes as you all settle in, finding comfort in each other's presence. Bubble wraps his arms around you, his warmth seeping into your bones, while Tommy curls on the other side of you, your [larger/smaller] frame fitting snugly with his.

The night sky blankets the world outside, you close your eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. With Bubba and Tommy on your side, you were ready to face whatever comes your way.
Together, you drift off to sleep, dreams of Mantis guiding your thoughts.

Waking up much earlier than the boys beside you, you hop into the driver's seat.
As the boys wake up, their groggy expression slowly transforms into one of curiosity. You can't help but wonder how you ended up here. What made you be so friendly with to them in the first place? Truly handsome men couldn't have made you act like this.
You don't even know them, but apparently you let them sleep with you AND remember where they live.

Adore - Male reader x Male SlashersWhere stories live. Discover now