;Chapter 4;

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Waking up to the sun shining —not in your eyes— but instead on a very formal dresses Norman Bates. "Yeah.. that's not concerning." You stare at him, a sense of relief washes over you as his chest rises and falls.
Opening the still unlocked door, walking out into the sunny parking lot, both your bookbag and jacket in hand, making your way to drop off the items in your van, feeding Manny and walking her while you're already out. Running your own little errands as Norman slept.

Walking back into your room to an awake and anxious Norman. "Morning Bir-" "I'm s-Sss-so sorry. It's m-my mo-other." His face hiding behind his hands, voice cracking. "How so?" You ask, pulling the armchair closer to him, you settle down and listen as he spills to you about his problems. You decide the ask the big question, "Is she here? In the physical since?" Biting your lip nervously, you continue your question. "Or inside your head.?" He's quiet, looking down at his lap as he plays with his hands, mumbling to himself. "Both." He squeaks out after sometime.

You sigh, checking your phone's time. 'Shit. Should've been on the road about 5 minutes ago!' "Alrighty then." With a determined nod, and after cracking your back, you stand up and pushing the chair back into it's original position. You hand over your room key. "And I'm off! Already left cash on the front desk."

You walk out the room, Norman running after you. "W-wait!" You turn and face him, tilting your head to the side. "Was it not enough?" "It's not that. Uhm.." he goes back to fiddling with his hands. "Were you expecting me to freak out?" You ask, he nods. His gaze fixated on the ground.
Laughing, you lean on the hood of your car, "It's not my first time in this situation." Minus the mother part, that's new. Pulling yourself off the hood, you reach into the window, pulling out a small notebook, quickly scribbling down your number and handing the paper to him.

"Well, I should be heading off now! Good luck with your motel Birdie!" Hopping in the driver's side, rolling down your window to wave goodbye to the gentleman in the floral dress.

"Alright, Manny! We're back on the road" she howls back at you, just as happy to get out of California

You zoomed your way through Arizona and New Mexico. Nothing very special those days, but still some beautiful sites!

Just after hitting the afternoon mark of the day, you've made it out of the cities, and other very populated places. Looking down at the same dirt road, the sun burning your eyes and the same damn sun beaming down your big van was starting to make you a little nauseous. Poor Manti was almost overheating. Your A/C was weak towards this heat.

You weren't even looking for civilization at this point. Just a shady tree or ANYTHING casting a shadow to shield you from the heat for a moment. Yet, you did. A small town in Muerto County, the buildings block the sun from your eyes as you drive by.
You park on the side of the road, the shade of the buildings helping cool you and Manny off. Rolling down both windows enough that neither Manny could escape nor someone could break in. You leave your car, strolling the dirty empty streets.

Looking into shop windows, not a single soul in sight. Humming, you spot someone. A tall man, a mop of curly hair, and on the chubby side but there's nothing wrong with that now, is there?
"Excuse me! Sir!!" You try to wave him down, but he runs back into the shop behind him.

Adore - Male reader x Male SlashersWhere stories live. Discover now