;Chapter 8;

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Both your ringing cellphone and a set of soft knocks on 'your' door wake you up. Groggily lifting yourself off the bed, the ringing stops, heading straight to voicemail but the knocking continues.

Rubbing the sleepiness out your eyes, you walk up to the door and open it. Lester stands right in front of you, he greets you this fine morning with that admirable grin of his.

His hair tousled from just waking up you can't help but find it adorable. It adds onto his already handsome face, making him even more attractive.

You notice the faint scent of his 'cologne', a mixture of musk and rotting flesh you scrunch your nose only now noticing his stench.

He goes to offer you breakfast but a loud bang cut him off. It couldn't be the dogs, as they were still on the bed. Couldn't be the man in front of you.. clearly.

You look down the hallway and then back to Lester confused. Jonesy walks past you down the stairs, Manny licks your hand and then follows after her.

"I thought I would've had you out of 'ere before anyone woke up.." Lester mumbles. He looks down, takes a deep breath "Stay here."

And with that he walks down the stairs. You listen to his orders and stay in your room. Sitting on the still quite dusty bed, you observe the room around you. Just you, alone with your thoughts.

Yelling downstairs and a loud scratch at the door breaks you out of your daydream, the weak wooden door creeks opens from the percent pooch on the other side.

Mantis walks in, her tail wagging as she hops onto the bed with you. You can't help the smile at her, grateful for the distraction. With the door now cracked open, the distant yelling grows louder, it's urgency sleeping into the room.

With Mantis by your side, you cautiously step out of bed, your socked feet sinking onto the cold wood flooring as you descend down the creaky wooden staircase. The voices become clearer, their words now distinguishable.

It's a heated argument, filled with anger and frustration. The tension in the air is paulable, making you hesitate for a moment. Mantis sensing your unease, nudges you forward, walking with you down the steps.

The talking stops once Mantis seats herself in front of the kitchen, she huffs and barks, wanting the situation to calm down. "Did you pick up some mutt too??" A man whose voice you didn't recognize as rather harshly you can hear Lester stammer over his words you saw him move into the kitchen light next to Manny "No point in trying to hide Les, I'm sorry for disrupting."

The man beside Lester looks at you, his eyebrows furrowed. Damn. This man wasn't your average cute guy either, he was on a whole different level. This man was handsome. This man was gorgeous.
This man looks as if he was sent from a firey pit from hell and my oh my, were you gonna let him corrupt you.

((I'm so sorry, I COULD NOT help myself.))

You didn't even know his name, yet you already have the hots for him. Crossing your arms trying not to think about the mystery man in such ways, "I ought to be on my way out, anyways."

You can't help but feel a sense of unease. Suddenly the man interrupts you, hushing your words with a gentle smile. His piercing gaze meets yours, a shiver runs down your spine.

"No," he says, his voice low in commanding. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way, just wish that Lester here would have told me we had guests sooner."

His words hang in the air, leaving you with more questions than answers. Understandingly, you were in their house unannounced, but you could leave right away? Maybe give them cash, or even clean to make up for it.

Adore - Male reader x Male SlashersWhere stories live. Discover now