25. What Was My Fault?

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What was my fault?
When you threw me away
My life had came to a hault
When you promised but didn't stay

You were angry out of your mind
And I was a fool to be this much kind
I was such a moron who tried to find
Some humanity and care in a wicked mastermind

I remember sitting alone on the floor
Hugging my knees
Sobbing my eyes out

As on my face, you slammed the door
With total ease
And not any trace of doubt

What was my fault?
I could never be enough
I wasn't this way by default
You taught me the hard way to be rough

Now, I know there is no place for kind souls
Now, I know, I can't fill any of my heart's holes
Now, I know, stays alone the one who consoles
Now, I know, I can't and don't need to be perfect at all my roles

I always gave my best
Tried to help
While suffering too

But I never passed your test
Forced a yelp
Only to be deserted by you

What was my fault?
When you bid farewell at the bay
On my wounds, you sprinkled salt
If you had promised, then, why didn't you stay...?


Hey, there depressed souls! Here is the Sunday update. I barely made it past my rhymer's block this time. Also, tomorrow is my exam of Maths...And I am here...What am I even doing with my life...?

Anyways, existence crisis aside, Vote, Comment, and Share the poem for my horrible stunts on writing poems and novels literally during my exams. 

Yup! That's right! My new book is out on Amazon and Flipkart throughout the world. It's titled - '3 AM Poetry: Dealing With Ups And Downs Of Life'. Don't worry, I will soon post a detailed announcement here and on my previous poem collection as well (As if anyone is even slightly bothered). Just not now as time is a deadly enemy right now.

I am short on time today due to my exam and all. Wish me the BEST OF LUCK... please...? I am really stressed and frustrated with my studies right now. I haven't slept properly for two weeks due to back-to-back exams without any holidays. I hate my school. Coffee is literally running through my veins right now. It is my only friend that helps me attend my exam consciously on barely 3 hrs of sleep for a week straight. And two weeks are still left of this monstrosity. Someone kill me already!

Please excuse my blabber. Sleep deficiency and caffeine dependency have costed me my common sense. Studies frustration is killing me and not allowing me to think or type straight (A poem on it might be coming soon. MIGHT).

Before I can bore you to death with my complaints about my studies and embarrass myself when I read it normally some day,

See you Soon!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now