43. Some Wounds Never Heal

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Some wounds never heal
No matter how much time you give it
The most you can do is conceal
The scars of the war that made you submit 

A jab to the heart
A painful reminder
Tearing me apart
Shredding hope like a grinder 

A Nightmare that you wish to forget
 But somehow it still haunts you
Jerking awake, covered in sweat
Traumatic memories blurring the view

But some wounds never heal
No matter what cure you find
Pain is all that you can feel
The cost you pay for being kind

The hollow feeling 
Eating my heart out
Seems impossible healing
In the silence, I shout

What did I do to deserve this all?
Crawled through hell at such a young age
It was so unfair and wicked, that fall
My heart is pounding inside its cage

But some wounds never heal
No matter how brave you pretend to be
Even if with Satan you make a deal
Nothing can ever set you free

It's burned into your mind
Engraved on your arm
Reads 'Life is unkind'
No mercy, just harm 

Making a kid go through it all
Fate is totally unfair and cold
On the surface, the cuts appear so small
But are deeper than the secrets one can hold

I guess some wounds never heal
No matter what you do
A clean band-aid and an enriched meal
Still stained with blood is every tissue

Although I know it's no use, I still get down on my knees and appeal
Although I know it will never happen, this wound, I try my best to heal


Hey there, depressed souls! How are you all doing? Fine, I hope.

Now, this poem is definitely one of my favorites. I enjoyed writing and reciting it a billion times so much. But it's your view that matters to me.

So, how do you think I did? Comment below any suggestions for improvement, Vote, and Share if you liked it.

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