36. Busy Being Strong

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I was so busy being strong
I forgot to be happy completely
Years of suffering were so long
I packed up enjoying neatly

Forgot that time flies
Forgot that it doesn't come back
Wasted it all, believing your lies
And now, life just looks black

Occupied with holding it together
While your mood changed like the weather
And now, my mind is as delicate as a feather

I was so busy being strong
That I forgot to cherish joy
Spent my entire childhood wrong
Still my teen life you destroy

All my friends were playing in the park
While I swallowed my tears
Writing names on some bark
As on you, I wasted a million prayers

A small girl didn't know it was a waste
You chose the path I was forced to embrace
And I shattered like a vase because of your haste

I was so busy being strong
That I forgot to live
I let you tag me along
And was foolish enough to forgive

I was so very engaged
In hiding all of my scars
The proof of when you raged
And broke the relation that was ours

Took me long enough but I realized at the end
You were a greedy manipulator, never a friend
And I spent all my time in hopelessly trying to blend

I was so busy being strong
I forgot to live for me
Busy fighting myself for someone wrong
That I forgot I had the right to feel glee


Hey there, depressed souls! 

GOOD NEWS! (For me at least) Tomorrow is my last exam and I have just winded up my syllabus. I coincidently happened to glance at my phone when the reminder popped up 'UPDATE POEM COLLECTION, YOU LAZY, LOST AND FORGETTING IDIOT. YOUR SYLLABUS WON'T DOUBLE BY SPARING TWO MINUTES!'

So, ya...Here I am.

Also...I have like seven poems ready to go. So...NOT declaring anything but all I am saying is keep your eyes open for bonus updates and MAYBE a special change...if I don't get caught up in stuff, other than studies, of course! Why? BECAUSE IT'S MY LAST EXAM!

It's Maths exam tomorrow and I have REALLY studied. So, please excuse my not-so-stable mental state...I REALLY need a break.

I have so much in mind to do after exams. So, I might forget this. I'll try not to though...And studies literally start from 28th March, before even the result...*Distant screaming mixed with sobbing and weeping sounds*

But frustration in my mind is directly proportional to the number of poems I write, given rhymer's block doesn't make an announced appearance. So, it's not that horrible.

Anyways, Vote, Comment, Share, and wish me luck because it is my LAST EXAM-Sorry, It won't happen again. I am just gonna-

See You Soon!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now