35. Misled

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I was misled
I am sorry
For what I said
I will be chary

I shouldn't have judged too soon
Should've known you meant no harm
I have the patience of a teaspoon
Though from the shadows, you still held my arm

You kept your word
In a different way
I shouldn't have heard
The voices saying you did betray

I was misled
It was my fault
Blamed you as I bled
Cursed you without halt

You were always there
It's me who was blind
You still wiped my tear
All my shrieks you didn't mind

You still stayed
After hearing my curses
I was a renegade
You were the one broken people who nurses

I was misled
But can't say I am guilt-free
My feelings are dead
Your hand I couldn't see

That intended
To pull me out
After the mayhem ended
I was lost in doubt

But you stayed through that too
Do I even deserve to be forgiven?
So limited and short was my view
With revenge and madness, I was driven

I was misled
Swear I didn't mean it
Am drowning in dread
Guilt choking me every bit


Hey, there depressed souls! Yeah, I am not dead yet. As I have told you all earlier, my board exams were going on, and correction, are still going on. I literally have two poems ready to go but I am just so caught up with these exams (🤮) that I didn't have time or to be more accurate, I didn't remember publishing those poems and whenever I did, I was buried six feet under books.

So, yeah...It's been kind of a horrible few weeks but only two more exams to go!? (SST being one of them 🥲 and the other being Maths 😭) 

Once I am free of these exams, I MIGHT increase the frequency of these poems. MIGHT do MIGHT NOT. I am not committing anything right now. So, fingers crossed but no promises!

Anyways, Vote, Comment and Share this poem if you liked it because I AM UPDATING THIS WHEN I AM SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING SST and preparing for the exams in general...Sometimes I really wonder where it all went wrong...

See You Soon!

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