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First of all, i wanna say that, it's my very first story that i have written and published here. So this story holds a lot of emotions to me. This story is so dear to me and i absolutely hate it when someone hate comment and throw false allegations on this story.

Now what's the allegations? Most common one here is i copied this story from Haunting Adeline .

Okay, bro, those who are saying it, i wanna say about them that, they literally judge without even having a proper knowledge of the term "copy". Do they guys even know what copy actually means?

I have told thousands of time, i even added this information in the starting of the story that the character of Vampire Jeon is inspired from Zade Meadows. I admitted it always. I admit Cat and Mouse Duet  and Zade, they both are my most favorite in book world.

But that doesn't mean anyone can call my story a copy!

Like some even don't read the whole story and throw allegations. Specially on the run and chase scene. The first scene of run and chase i mean.

Secondly, Those who says that i copied that scene from HA, guys, did you even read any other book? Ever? At all? If you did, then the f have you read? A lot of books have similar kind of scenes. Like a lot. For example, " That sick Love", this book has an exact kind of scene. Then have you read any of Rina Knets book? She has several books which has this kind of scene, run and chase Kind. And for your kind information, those books was published before Haunting Adeline was published.

And you know why they have similar kind of scenes? Because it's a trope. It is a whole fatty trope alone .

It's your problem that you don't know what that trope means, not mine.


Then they do allegations on chapter seven, the mirror scene. They says i copied it too.

Bro, literally again, those who say it, do you know what does copy mean?

The whole circumstances of my story was different. The meaning behind that chapter was to make Jass see her desire for Jeon. If you read it carefully then you will know.

And about the mirrors, guys there is a term called "katoptronophilia."

Don't know it? Go Google it. Use some brain. For fs sake.

Thirdly, those who have read the whole story, knows what is the whole plot of this story. It has nothing to do with HA, or any other books. Literally nothing.

So, the haters and those who is throwing false allegations, just know that, before judging anything, anyone, please check your knowledge level  before doing that.

This is my last and final statement about this story.

I will delete and block any account that does hate comments or throw false allegations to this baby of mine. This baby, my this story, it's my first ever story and i have special place for it on my heart.

I hope everyone understands. Thanks.

( Special Kisses to those, who had loved this story and supported me from the beginning. I love yall. )

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