Short Story - PART 4

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"This isn't going to work."

Willa huffed, crossing her arms as she looked up at Rowan in annoyance. 

"Not with that attitude."

"No, I mean," Rowan sat down next to her, taking the bottle from her to drink. "This isn't going to work with the fact that you're in love with Kestrel."

"Everyone seems to want to keep reminding me of this."

"That's because you've been reminding everyone of this for years."

"That's the past," she took the bottle back from him, taking her own sip. The burn felt sweet on her tongue and wonderful down her throat. "And this is the present. And I would like for my country to not go to war so here we are."

"Ah, but did you consider my happiness? Maybe I have a girl that I'm in love with."

"Rowan," They each had a hand on the bottle, tugging before she finally let go. "I know I'm not your type with the fact that I have boobs and a vag-,"

Rowan suddenly began coughing, "how the fucking hell do you-,"

He stopped.

"You guessed."

She scoffed, "no I didn't guess. I saw you making out with that guard at the Winter Ball. And your dumb attempt to distract the attention from you by spiking the punch - which by the way, did the complete opposite."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Rowan. Please. Babe. I know it's hard to talk about this, but we've been friends for years- and I'm beautiful. Like gorgeous, men drop and bow before me, beautiful. And not once have you made a pass at me or tried to cop a feel."

"Goddamn Willa," Rowan began violently coughing, some of the whiskey coming out of his noise as he attempted to catch his breath.

She hit him on the back, wondering why all men seemed to have this reaction.

"I just figured, since we're getting married, you might as well know that I know. That way I don't accidentally walk into our room with you fucking your manservant or something."

"Willa- I think for my own sanity we should call this wedding off."

"It's fine. I'll let you fuck the manservant."

"Damn- I know sometimes you let it slip, but if your mother heard how you talk to me-,"

"She won't," Willa said.

"Does Kestrel know?" 

"I am nothing but a lady around Kestrel," Willa said, primly holding her head high with as much dignity and grace as she could manage.

"I bet you jump his bones every chance you get."

"Not anymore. Because that's the past and this is the future. And let's face it, I'm the best type of wife you could get. I'll let you do it with the gender you actually like, and you'll shower me with gifts and baby animals- just not that many cats. I have an image to maintain."

"Willa- that sounds nice to me and all but," he gave the bottle back to her. She took another sip, even though she knew she shouldn't. Fall whiskey was something else though. "-But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"So I get to shag the manservant, but what about you? You seem to get the short stick of this deal."

"The short end of the stick."



They both became quiet. Willa looked out from the balcony, taking in the scenery of the fall kingdom. She never said out loud how much she loved the sight. Maybe that would be enough to get through the years. The golden and red colors- the warmth of the sun that she wasn't used to. The way the breeze seemed to blow with a gentle wind- nothing rattling or causing icicles to fall on you.

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