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Marcos shivered against the cold

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Marcos shivered against the cold.

Just because he had been born and raised in the winter kingdom, didn't mean he had an immunity to the climate.

He and the other guards seemed to agree as they uneasily hiked through the vast snowy lands, their attention on full alert.

The King had assembled a hunting party. And to the guard's dismay, the Princess had also been brought along.

For some reason, she had shown up to the throne room with white lines under her eyes and lower lips. Her dress had been traded for something close to what the men were wearing and the only word that Marcos thought of when he saw it was...fierce...

Marcos wasn't sure how to describe it. The foreign dignitaries and members of the King's council were keeping a clear distance from her.

She hadn't even been given a weapon (what idiot would have done that?). So Marcos was still unsure of why exactly the Princess had shown up excited and ready for the hunt. She surely must have realized that no one would give a foreign princess, who was a prisoner to the Winter King, a weapon to hunt with?

She still looked happy, and painfully, the job of watching her and making sure she didn't run off into the vast forest fell to Marcos, Felix, and several other guards.

If one looked at the ensemble from a distance, they would have wrongly assumed that she was the leader of this group, based upon the number of men who had been stationed around her.

The King dutifully was ignoring her.

Marcos either had to ask for a pay raise or request to be assigned to the border. Even the border, and keeping watch for threats from there, seemed like a better job than watching this free-spirited princess.

A cry of excitement and surprise could be heard from the men up ahead. Lumi immediately stopped, her eyes narrowing.

Marcos put his hand on his sword. Not for her safety, but to stop her if she should aggressively reach out and try to take it. He noticed many of the other guards doing the same thing.

To their horror, she began to lower her body to the ground. She turned to the guards, her hands beckoning for them to imitate her.

"Princess," Marcos hissed, "We are not a part of this hunt."

"What?" She turned back to face him in confusion.

For god's sake. She didn't even have a weapon! Was she planning on strangling the hare?

Marcos had a sudden horrific image of her doing just that.

"You were allowed to come, but not participate."

Lumi's eyes flashed to him before quickly turning to face back towards the men who were now running fast in the opposite direction.

"But they'll catch nothing if they do that," she whined.

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