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Elowen looked down at the letter. Her eyes flickered to Theros as they sat and ate breakfast.

He had been...strange these last few months. Still at a distance, but Elowen felt confused at the odd efforts he made in going out of his way to talk to her, have meals with her, and continue to sleep in the same bed night after night.

She had thought that first night together would have been the only time, but he had been adamant of the both of them sharing a room.

"You are my wife, I am your husband. There will be no separate room."

"I won't...you know I won't...stray..."

Elowen had felt uncomfortable saying it out loud. She knew it of herself but didn't have the heart to question his own conviction.

"I know."

Her shock had been doubled when he had leaned over and given her a swift chaste kiss in response.

Sometimes Elowen wondered if maybe this effort was present, because of the news.

That first night had been enough for her to be with child. It was both a relief and disappointment to her.

If I give birth...and when that is over...if it is a boy...then I'm no longer needed...

Her purpose was being completed so soon. She felt sorrow that she would not have more time to spend with him. Despite her best efforts, Elowen could maintain her icy exterior all that she wanted, but her heart seemed to stray from what her mind told her to do.

Now, two months later, and he still had yet to ask her the contents of her letters. He knew whom they were from.

Elowen smiled as she read it. Theros did not even spare a glance at the reaction.


"They've decided on a name."

He looked up at her voice.


"The Galexious King and Queen- they're having a boy and have decided on a name."


His tone implied that he was only mildly interested as he read the document that was in his hand. Elowen tilted her head. He was good at hiding his true feelings. Didn't he want to know?

Her long pause in silence made him look up. She felt like grinning when he impatiently said, "and?"

She looked back at the letter, "They picked the name Kestrel."

Theros suddenly choked on the drink he had been consuming. Elowen lightly patted him on the back, annoyed that he had spilled on the table cloth.

"W-," he coughed before regaining his bearings, "Kestrel?"

"I think it's very unique."

His face showed otherwise as he reached for his document again and shook his head, "I bet she was the one who picked that. Josiah doesn't strike me as a man who would name his son Kestrel."

Elowen rolled her eyes when Theros looked down.

"Should we start looking at names?"

Theros started to cough again.

Elowen sighed, patting his back once more, "Theros, please. I don't know why you keep reacting this way."

He glared at her, wiping his mouth with the napkin that was given to him.

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