Short Story - PART 5

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Willa knocked softly on the door. Inside, she heard the faint call, telling her to come in.

Quietly, she walked further into the room.

"How are you feeling, King Alroy?"

The man laying before her looked like a skeleton. His skin was pale, eyes sunken in. His hair- a color that she remembered had been the most vibrant of reds- now was gone, with thin strands only seen.

His words were soft, a strangled vocal quality following them.

"Willa- I feel better today."

Willa looked down at the King, her brow rising with a silent question.

The King sighed, "Okay- I feel like shit."

"I would be lying if I said you didn't look it."

A soft laughter rose from the man.

"Willa- this is why I wish you could always be close to me. Maybe when I get better."

"You know you have a wife?" She reminded him.

"Let's not talk about her- she's very angry at me for getting sick. And I know she's not the happiest about the fact that you're going to be taking her place."

"She's just jealous because I'm more beautiful," Willa said, tossing her long golden hair behind her, letting the rays of the sun enhance the color.

"Most likely," Alroy agreed, his eyes following her as she moved to sit beside the bed. She took his hand, trying her best to bring some small warmth to it. They both knew it was a useless endeavor.

"I'm still having a hard time believing you and Rowan will marry."

"I've already told you," Willa huffed on his fingers, rubbing them with her own before tucking the covers over. "It's happening. Done deal. Contracts to be signed. Maybe I should rush it so that you can attend."

"I doubt it will actually happen."

Willa looked up in mock outrage, "how dare you doubt me and my love for Rowan!"

The King began to laugh, the strangled tone resulting in a coughing episode. Willa waited for it to subside, trying her best to not grow concerned with the sound and the way his face turned red from the effort.

"I'm not sure that I want this to happen," he sounded even worse now.

"I know you've secretly been in love with me-,"


It was the tone. She knew that tone. Suddenly the light banter and humor was gone. Here laid the King, looking up at her with eyes that held too much sorrow.

"Is this where you tell me that you only get one shot in life, so don't waste it?"

He smiled, "so you already know?"

"Yes," she nodded, "but I also have to tell you that I've been selfish for a long time. I think everyone is ready for me to grow up."

"Don't say that," the King shook his head, those sorrowful eyes holding on and capturing her, "you are growing to be an amazing woman, Willa. I've watched you. I've seen the way you've changed through the years. You started like all children. Immature. Head strong. But you always took those lessons and grew from them."

Willa stayed silent. She stood, walking around the bed and going to the window. She opened it, welcoming the breeze in.

The King sighed in relief, "I can smell the fruit. It's my favorite time of the year."

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