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Josiah looked down at the invitation.

Well he moves very fast doesn't he?

At the sudden noise, he quickly shoved the letter into his pocket.

Lumi came around the corner. Josiah felt an exasperated breath leave him.

"What are you wearing?"

"I still can't seem to get over it not being that cold here...but we're further north than the winter Kingdom and the sun isn't around...so why is it warmer here? It reminds me of Fall kingdom for some reason..."

"Lumi..." Josiah was becoming used to her off topic remarks. He knew she had heard him.

"It's the same thing you're wearing."

"I know." He looked at the dark pants and shirt she wore. He had been referring to the paint along her eyes- white paint that made her face stand out over anything else.

"I'm going hunting."

He felt his exasperation grow. He had left soon after their arrival and official ceremony- an emergency in one of the city's water constructions had caused panic. That only had taken two weeks to sort out and in the time of his absence, she had somehow managed to win over the entire staff of his palace while he was gone.

Even if he had disliked her, he feared his own people would mob and dethrone him if he said anything against his new wife.

He felt sudden pity for the Winter King if this was even half of what the man had gone through.

"You're not used to the lands yet. And you need to adjust to the darkness also. Are you well enough to hunt?"

Lumi only shrugged, "the best way to feel better is to run."

He didn't think that was actually the best solution and was about the say so when she spoke again, "besides, you're coming with me."

He stopped short, "No I'm not."

She had already started walking down the hall. At his words, she turned back and gave him her own exasperated stare. Really? As if he was the troublesome one?

"Yes you are. You're already dressed for it."

"Take Ramus with you. I have work I need to do."

She stared at him a second more, "alright." She raised her nose in the air, immediately ignoring him after that.

He sighed.

Now he had done it.

*   *   *

Maybe he should have gone with her. He looked at the clock- the only way to judge the time in this godforsaken place. It had been five hours.

Five hours.

Who hunted for five hours?

And what was there even to hunt? Josiah couldn't say he was the most knowledgeable - having never hunted himself.

He got up suddenly, unable to sit and wait.

She was surprisingly fierce. He had not expected that from someone so....little. At first that fierceness made her seem cute- almost adorable. Before he saw her take down two of his guards when they had tried to hold her down in her fevered state the second day after their arrival.

The elevation and change in climate alone caused many people to be sick. He had only left for the city after making sure she would survive. Once he saw the mighty feat of her hand to hand combat, he knew she would make it.

When the Sun Fell |✔|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang