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An audience was expected with the King.

King Theros convinced himself that he was not anticipating this meeting.

But he still felt himself straighten as the announcer called out, "Dakarai Aumatage Oxalis, fourth prince of the Summer Kingdom."

He resembled her.

Theros could not explain how he made this connection, but he could see the outline of her face in his.

His hair was down now, the thick stands lose and hanging around his face as the two men examined each other.

The Prince bowed deeply, "Thank you for your invitation King Theros."

There was nothing else that needed to be said.

The fact that not the second, or the third, but the fourth prince of the summer lands had come, showed already a disrespect to the King.

The Prince turned away, his audience over.

Theros spoke before he could stop himself.

"Do you want to see her?"

The prince's back was to him. There was no answer as the man bowed his head and continued forward to the door.

King Theros' eyes flashed to the door.

The guards knew that signal.

Swords were drawn, extending before the Prince to stop him from leaving.

He turned slowly around, his face twisted in rage as he looked up at the King.

"I will ask again," Theros said softly, "do you want to see her?"

Elowen gently took his hand, an alarmed look filling her as her eyes darted between the King and Prince.

"Theros," she hissed in warning.

His eyes snapped down to her, and she quickly let go of his hand without thinking.

They both looked back at the Prince.

The Prince spat towards the King, his face filled with nothing but disgust.

At his actions, Theros rose, sending a wave of shock through the room.

The guards exchanged alarmed looks to each other, their shoulders tensing in anticipation.

The Summer Prince eyed them warily, his stance still relaxed.

Theros walked down each step, a roar of thunder seeming to come from the collision as his boots hit the stones in the echoing silence.

"No," the summer prince said, looking at the approaching King, "I don't want to see her. And she does not want to see me."

Theros was breathing heavy, his eyes dangerous in the light. Without meaning to, the prince took a step back, his face betraying the fury he felt at being intimidated so easily.

The two men stood face to face now.

"She gave herself away for you."

"I know that," the prince growled.

"And you treat her like-,"

The prince took a step closer, his eyebrow raised in a mocking show, "Do you care for her King?"

There was a long pause. The Prince found his smile faltering as he realized what the silence of the King meant.

The Prince's eyes flashed up to the stoney face of the Lady the King had abandoned.

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