Chapter 18....

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"We need one more game to clinch the division." Wyatt said as he took a pull of his beer.

While the girls were at some paint class with mom, the guys and I decided to make it a boys night. The Den was the best place to go if we wanted to get drinks. It was only a few blocks from the Arena and probably one of the only places that Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton can go to without being hassled.

We learned our lesson a few years back about going out to other bars. As soon as someone recognized any of the guys we would be swarmed with fans and women. Winning the last Championship just made the three of them even more popular, making it hard to go out with someone recognizing them.

I know they don't mind too much. The three of them always stopping to take pictures or sign something for fans. They appreciate the support from the fans but I know at times it can be a bit much. I know none of them ever expected to be this well known. The price to pay for being three of the best hockey players in the world.

"That Cup is ours again this year." Trevor said matter of factly. It could be seen as cocky but he wasn't wrong. The team is playing just as good as they were last year, having only lost a few games. The guys next to me playing the best they ever have. Part was thanks to the women in their life.

"A wedding and a Cup win. I like the sound of that." Wyatt smirked.

"Speaking of wedding. You ready? It's only a few weeks away." I asked my younger brother. Hard to believe he was going to be married. It was just yesterday I was teaching him how to drive.

"More than ready." The look that appeared on his face was one I never saw on him until he met Josie. As I looked at my brother I thought about how far he's come. He wasn't the little kid that use to follow me around and annoy the shit out of me. He was a grown man about to be married to the love of his life.

After multiple failed relationships, one where the girl was only with him to boost her social media, Wyatt stayed away from anything serious. I saw countless articles of him with a new girl every other day. Then he got hurt.

I've never felt more fear than I did watching Wyatt tear is ACL during a game. It was by far the scariest moment in my life. Watching my brother hurt and unable to do the one thing he loved and not being able to help was torture.

I had to sit back and watch him struggle to heal. He won't admit it but that period of healing and watching his team lose in the playoffs was hard. He wasn't the Wyatt I knew. He put a front on, especially in front of mom so she wouldn't worry but he couldn't hide it from me.

The hardest thing I've ever had to do was sit back and let him work through it himself. As soon as he got cleared to play he was better but it wasn't until he met Josie that he changed. He is the happiest I have ever seen him be and its all thanks to Josie. The two of them couldn't have found each other at a better time.

"When are you going to tell her about the surprise?" I asked, sipping my beer.

"I'm thinking this weekend after the game but I may wait until the wedding."

"What are you going to do with the apartment?" Bryton questioned, across from me.

"It's the last thing Jo's father gave her before he passed so I'm not sure how she feels about selling it. We could always keep it and let Mateo move in at some point."

Ah the joys of being a millionaire. My brother may be a millionaire but he doesn't act like it. He use to spend his money on shit he didn't need but thankfully over the years he's stopped that. I wasn't a millionaire by any means but I did fairly okay. With the rink and some side investments, thanks to Trevor, I was doing well. Wyatt has tried many times to try and give me money but I always refuse. He works hard for his money there's no way I'm taking any. It has lead to plenty of fights but the last thing I'll do is ever take the money Wyatt has worked so hard for.

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