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Ch. 17: Fire and Heat

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Before I left my room the next morning, I gave my nipples a good tweak, making sure they were nice and perky. I wasn't wearing a bra and my girls pushed eagerly against the thin cotton of Finn's borrowed T-shirt.

There was no sign of him when I got to the kitchen, so I pottered around making coffee and pinching my nipples every now and then so they continued to stand to attention.

When Finn finally appeared, I made sure my back was to him, affecting a casual air.

"Morning," he said.

I glanced back as if I'd only just realised he was there. "Hi."

Finn's eyes were fixed on my bare legs, and I looked away before he could see my smile. My bra wasn't the only thing I'd skipped this morning.

"You want some coffee?" I said.

"Yeah, thanks."

I gave my nipples a quick final check, then turned to face him. Finn's gaze immediately dropped down, and heat flashed through his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I said, blinking innocently.

His mouth opened but he didn't answer.

I turned my back on him again and busied myself with the coffee machine.

Finn didn't move. Tension slunk through the room, and this time my nipples didn't need my help to stiffen.

I filled a mug and handed it to him, wearing my sweetest smile, and Finn's valiant attempts to hold my gaze failed when I arched my back, pushing my breasts forward even more.

"What are you doing?" Finn said, his voice low and taut.

"Me? What do you mean?"

I reached past him to retrieve my own coffee, which I'd left on the island unit, and my eager nipples may have brushed against him. Finn exhaled.

"Tasha," he started.

"Yes, Finn?"

"This isn't going to work."

I sipped my coffee, watching him over the rim of the mug. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He gave me an oh please look.

I wrapped one arm around myself and shrugged, knowing the movement would plump up my breasts. A muscle twitched in Finn's jaw. I'd have felt sorry for him, except he'd started it when he gave me a blinding, shattering orgasm.

He couldn't leave it there.

I couldn't leave it there.

"Tasha," he said again, almost a plea.

I turned to the counter behind me and put my mug down, knocking a teaspoon to the floor in the process. I didn't need to look back to know that Finn was still watching me as I slowly bent to retrieve the spoon.

He made a strangled noise. "Are you not wearing underwear?"


I picked up the spoon and oh-so-slowly straightened, anticipation quickening my heartbeat. I wasn't sure what reaction I'd hoped for, only that there was a reaction, so when Finn suddenly grabbed me and spun me around, I couldn't help a squeak of surprise.

His mouth came down on mine, hard and demanding, and fuck, there was that metal stud again, dancing against my tongue and making my toes curl. He kissed me like he'd fucked me with his mouth last night, skilled and relentless and dizzying, one arm curled around my waist, holding me tightly to him.

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