Speak Now (Taylor's Version)

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It has been a week since I was at Arrow Head watching Travis's game and going to the after party. We have facetimed and talked everyday. He invited me to go to his game again at MetLife and I obviously said yes.

I am right now trying to pick an outfit to wear. I can't decide so I call Abigail. "Taylor!" She says with a warm smile. Abigail and I have been good friends for a while. She always knows what to do in times of need like right now. "Abby!" I say "I need your help on what I should wear!" I flip my camera around the show her my bed with different outfits in it. She scas over the outfits before choosing.  "Oohh I like the black bodysuit!" She says. I look over to it and zoom in on it to show her even closer. "Yeah definitely that with Jean shorts." She says. "I like that casual and cute." I say. "It's perfect!" I say

After I get off the phone with Abigail I put the outfit she chose on. I can't help but to smile. I get to watch Travis again!

While I'm getting ready I look down and I see an incoming call. I see Travis's contact and I quickly hit the answer button and then speaker phone. 

"Hey Tay!" He says. 

"Hey Trav! On your way to the stadium?" I ask and smile big. 

"Yeah, about 15 minutes away. What ya up to?" He asks. I can hear his smile through the phone. "Just getting ready for the game." I say. I didn't want to tell him I was having an outfit crisis. "Alright nah, that sounds like fun. Are any of your friends coming? I told you you could invite as many as you wanted!" He says and I smile big. He is such a kind and generous person. He said any of my friends who wanted to come could. 

"Yeah I think Blake, Ryan, and Sabrina are coming." I say. 

"Good! That sounds like it is going to be a fun time up in the box. We are still good for dinner later right?" He asks. 

"Yes! I had my Tree make a reservation at a restaurant nearby. It looks good, she sent me the menu. If any of your friends or family want to come, tell them they are more than welcome!" I say. 

"I will! I'll defiantly let you know!" He says.

After a little more talking Travis arrives at the stadium and we have to say goodbye. I finish getting ready and apply my red lipstick. I feel like the red matches the Kansas City red so I make a point in wearing it.

I grab my jacket off my bed and head towards the kitchen. I see my security team sitting in there talking. 

"Hey! do you guys need anything water, snacks, coffee?" I offer. I feel bad they work long hours to make sure I'm safe. I pay them well, but that does not t mean they aren't human too. 

"Where good! We are before we came! Thank you for offering. Are you ready to go?" My head of security asks. 

"Yes! Let's get going." The four guys escort me downstairs and into the car.

Out of the tinted windows I see MetLife stadium. It is big, I haven't been here since my tour over the summer. We pull into a little parking garage near the back entrance and one of the guys opens my door. I step out into a sea of paparazzi. Camera lights flashing and reporters asking questions. I try my best to ignore them, really wishing Travis was here with me. He has a talent of shielding them, making it seem like they are not there.

We get inside and we get through security. I am escorted up to a box. I walk in and I immediately feel at home again. Something about the kindness of the people here is perfect. I walk in and see Brittaney. We lock eyes and she excuses herself from her conversation and comes over to me. 

"Taylor!" She says and gives me a hug. I hug her back. 

"Hey! how have you been?" I say. 

"Great! I'm so glad your here!" She says with a smile. Brittaney and I clicked instantly at the last game. 

Brittaney and I talk for a little while then we go our separate ways. I run into Donna next.

 "Hi Donna how are you?" I ask. 

"Great! I'm so glad you could make it!" She says. 

"Me too! Where you at Jason's game before this?" I ask. 

"Yes! Ed and I went this morning and we drove up here, it was only like an hour and a half." "Wow, that's great!" I say with a warm smile, matching her energy. 

"Have you met Ed?" She asks. 

"Not yet!" I say, "I was hopeful I could meet him today." 

"He's over there if you want to talk to him." She says and points to a man with a red Travis Kelce jersey sitting in a seat. 

"Sure I'll go say hello now." I say. I say good bye to Donna and walk over to the man. 

I walk over and he turns around. 

"Hello I'm Taylor, are you Ed?" I ask. 

"Yes. Hello Taylor, Travis has told me so much about you. It's so nice to put a face to a name. Well in person at least." He jokes. I laugh.

 "You too, Travis had told me many stories. I'm so glad we could meet each other." I say with a smile. We talk for a little while, his dad seems great. Just like Travis mom. We talk  and he tells me how both boys got kicked out of preschool.  

"So Jason sporked a kid and Travis threw a chair?" I say with a laugh. 

"Yes! Those two trouble makers!" We laugh together. 


I look up during my game and see Taylor talking to my dad, papa Kelce. Oh no. What is he saying. I begin to worry. I look over to see pat on the IPad. I decide I need to dismiss it and focus on the game at hand. 


The game just ended, the Chief's won! I walk out of my seat and pick up some trash on my way out. There is a security guard at the door to escort me down to meet Travis. 

After a few minutes of waiting he comes out. 

"Great game!" I say hugging him, we break apart and I kiss him. After we pull apart we begin walking out of the stadium, this time hand in hand. There are cameras flashing all over the place. reporters screaming out for us, but we just keep walking. Not hiding from it. We reach the two doors that take us into the cold fall, night air. It is refreshing, but cold. 

We get picked up by the golf cart to be taken to the parking lot. 

"So I saw you talking to papa Kelce." He says 

"Yes he is amazing." I say 

"Hopefully he didnt say anything too embarrassing" He says 

"I heard you got kicked out of preschool.." I laugh 

We share jokes the rest of the ride. when the cart slows down until it stops. we get out and travis takes my hand again. 

I see his convertible and we start to walk towards it. It is cold, like really cold. I shiver a little as the breeze picks up.  Almost as quick, Travis takes of his jacket and puts it around my shoulders. 

"Thank you." I say with a greatful, warm smile. 

"Always" He says. 

a/n: Thank you so much for reading! the pictures from Kansas city last night were so cute! I hope you enjoy. thank you for supporting. I might not upload a lot bcs im busy. <3

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