Chapter 26

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Swara felt water being sprinkled on her face. She did not want to open her eyes but still she opened. Reality was hurting her like a thorn. Her eyes were dried. She could not cry. She could not smile. She was feeling a sense of unbearable hollowness inside. Something was scratching her heart with all its might. Something was making her heart bleed. And she did not understand when she was made to stand up by Nikhil and Uttara. When others made Ragini stand up at her place. When she was getting out of the campus, she saw Durga prasad standing with Ram who was crying miserably. She did not have any strength left in herself! How could she give strength to them!

She saw Ram lowering his gaze looking at her and Ragini! Ragini was in a little better state than her. At least there was a little hope remaining. She saw her going towards those elderly gentlemen. Whatever Ragini said, Swara did not know. She could only see pity in the eyes of people for her.

"Be strong didi! You were our source of power! Don't fall so weak!" Nikhil's words haunted her ears.

"Nikhil! Let ma'am be whatever she wants right now! Showing strength at this time could be dangerous!" Uttara said.

Ragini came back wiping her tears which got increased seeing Swara like this. She came near her and placed her head on her shoulder.

"Ragini!" Swara finally said as if her touch melted her, "Will my tears mock Sanskar's sacrifice?"

Ragini replied, "No! Never!"

And it was at that moment, Swara let out her tears. There were no loud cries, just little sobs. But still, her tears made even the trees and birds cry along with her.

They reached home back. The decoration was half done and stopped midway. Tomorrow would have been the mehndi ceremony. But now, before even applying, it faded. Shekhar and Sharmistha came running out as they heard the horn. There was complete silence in the house which was filled with noise and happy cheers just a few hours back.

Shekhar informed Ragini about Laksh being airlifted to Delhi as soon as possible. And then, told her about the intensely critical situation he was in. Swara too heard this. She looked at Ragini and held her hand tightly.

"God will never do injustice to you! Pray Ragu!" She said in a broken voice.

Ragini looked unbelievably at Swara. Even in this condition, she was giving positive hope to her. The one who herself was surrounded by black clouds was trying to be the sunshine for others.

"Swara!" Ragini could just say this. Sharmistha engulfed Swara in a hug. But she knew nothing in this world could ease her pain right now.

Swara did not realise when moon was on it's peak that night. Sitting in the balcony staring at moon was giving her pain too. The story was getting narrated again and again for the relatives and she was not able to bear the pity in the eyes of relatives for her. She wNted to be strong but how!

"Swara!" Ragini came near her with a cup of coffee. Even coffee reminded her of the coffees Swara shares with Sanskar. She smiled a little remembering those moments. Sanskar asked her to smile remembering the memories but only if he could realise the difference between action and sayings.

"Swara!" Ragini shook her again, "Please have this coffee!"

Swara did not want to have anything. But her denial would hurt an already tensed Ragini more. If she could not ease her pain, she should not increase it too.

"Laksh will be here within half an hour." Ragini informed, "He is in very critical condition. I am very afraid Swara!"

Swara patted Ragini's hair. In her heart, she prayed to God with all her faith for Laksh's safety. How would the family react if both of their sons leave them in a single day! She did not want her sister to go through the same pain she was going through at this moment.

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