Chapter 41

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Next morning, Swara was smiling at the mirror seeing herself. She looked at Sanskar peacefully sleeping on his bed. Though different from her earlier imagination, it was still nice to be his wife. The way he took stand for her last night, the way he dedicated a song to her that was so apt, the way he understood her inner turmoil and washed away all the doubts, he should definitely be deemed as the best husband. Whether he loved her or not, she loved him from the core of her heart and was ready to everything in her hand to bring smile on his face everyday and add colours to his every moment.

She was lost in her thoughts when she heard knocks on the door. As she opened, she found Raginj standing there with her face so much tensed.

"Swara! Can I come in?" She asked urgently. Swara signed her to be quite and made her enter the room. Afterall, Sanskar was still sleeping.

"What happened?" Swara asked.

Ragini turned and showed her back to Swara. It met with lots of giggling from her. There were two bluish marks on her back and Ragini was tensed. What if anyone saw them!

"You were teasing me that day! Now what haa!" Swara said playfully.

"Do something before your husband wakes up!" Ragini said. And then, with the help of cancealer, Swara camouflaged the marks.

"I need not ask you how the night was!" Swara said again teasing her sister. Ragini took a pillow and was about to hit her when her gaze fell over the couch where pillow and blanket was kept. She looked at Swara and then at Sanskar. No explanation was needed.

"Everything will be fine soon!" Ragini said patting her hair, "You will get the love you deserve."

"Ragu! I have no expectations now. When I said yes to the marriage, I knew what I signed in for! I just wanted Sanskar to be with me because he wants to. And he really wants to be with me. That's it! I know things will reach to a good level gradually. Afterall, he is the same Sanskar who fell for me before so hard."

Ragini smiled. She picked up the blanket and pillow from the bed and kept it in the cupboard.

"If by mistake any elder enters the room and sees this, they will get tensed. Let it be a secret amongst us!"

Swara smiled at her sister's understanding.

The day was full of rituals too. For the first time, both Swara and Raginj cooked in the kitchen. And in half an hour, the good and appetizing fragrance of halwa and kheer was filled up in the home.

It was evening. All the relatives left. Now the most important task of opening the gifts started. Dinner sets, cutlery sets, sarees, show pieces and what not!

To mrs swara sanskar maheshwari

Raginj forwarded the gift to Swara. She opened the gift. It had a beautiful saree with a note inside it. It read

Enjoy your beautiful life till you can!

That note was cryptic. Did not wanting to create a scene, Swara smiled and showed the saree to everyone carefully hiding the note.

"Whose this from Swara!" Annapurna asked. The price tag of the saree was still intact.

"1.5 lakh!" Ragini looked at Swara and stared at her in disbelief, "What's the name written?"

"No name Ragu!"

Sujata took the saree and begin to examine it. It was worth the price.

"I don't have friends like this who can give such costly gifts!"

It was night. Both Swara and Sanskar were doing their usual night time routine. Suddenly, Sanskar ran and Swara ran too towards the couch. Before Sanskar, Swara reached the couch and showed him her thumb.

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