Her three words

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I nodded lightly and shot him a smile.


Ashley's POV

I held the handle with a tight grip as I walked out of the front door. I felt my body tremble in fear of the unknown. A sick feeling rumbled in my stomach, each step intensifying the echo of our decision. I turned my head and watched as Jai locked the front door. I sighed and continued walking to the car. I opened the trunk and lifted the heavy suitcase in. I rested my hand on the trunk door as Jai threw his suitcase in. I slammed the trunk and made my way to the passenger's seat. Jai soon got in and we started to drive off into the darkness of the night. Willingly putting ourselves at risk.

Tom's POV


The night at the hospital. The night Ashley left.

I laid conscious trapped in the paralysis of heartbreak. Ashely's touch lingered, engraving sorrow into my skin. The pain of love pierced through every beat of my aching heart, trapping me in motionless despair. I felt like a stranger to my own vulnerability, this unfamiliar pain gripping me. I had never felt this kind of pain. I needed Ashley but I didn't want to need her. I was mentally and physically weak, I hated it.

The room filled with hushed whispers as others entered, their footsteps echoing through the empty room. I tried to block out their noise. As my breath strained, I felt a tear fall down my face. I listened as the door creaked which gave me a sliver of hope, my heart raced in desperate anticipation that Ashley had come back.

"She's gone" I heard Bills voice croak. I heard a lot of movement.

"What do you mean" Lauren spoke softly.

"Who" Georg said confused.

My body started to heat up and I felt my breathing become slower. I tried to fight it. I tried everything.

"Ashley" Bill said before he broke down in tears.

Bill's tear-choked words lingered, I surrendered and fell unconscious. The numb feeling filling the void.


I felt the oxygen pumping through the mask as I regained my conscience, hope flickered like a fragile flame within me. I laid hopeless. I clung to the certainty that I would find her again, the thought of her in my arms again helped me push through this dark void that threatened to consume me.

A few days later

I felt my eyes soon flutter open as strength flowed through my body. I slowly recovered from the coma. I knew I would be okay. I loved Ashley to death, and I really needed her. The love we shared was strong and I knew it would last. She loved me to life. Because that's exactly what she did. She loved me back to life. Her 3 words always lingered, and those words gave me the strength to push through my recovery.

Ashley's POV

I repositioned myself in my chair, the turbulence unsettling my stomach. I despised flying it always caused me to feel nauseas. Jai gripped my hand with reassurance I knew he could sense my worry. I was terrified and unsure of what awaited us. The guilt lingered for leaving Maria with all the responsibility, though I trusted her resilience and I knew she would do the right thing.

I tried to force my eyes shut and fall asleep, but a lump formed in my throat. It was no use so I decided I would go to the bathroom. I stood up from my seat and squeezed between Jai and the chair. He suddenly grabbed my wrist which made me jump.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes reflecting both concern and curiosity. He let go of my wrist at my reaction.

"Nothing I'm just going to the bathroom" I smiled as I continued to get past.

I felt my head spin as I walked closer to the bathroom at the end of the plane. I pushed open the bathroom door and shut it behind me. I stood in a daze, I focused on the scar on my collarbone, a haunting reminder of the past. I walked up to the mirror and rested my hands on the bench Infront of me. The memories come flooding back to me. I hated the scar. It was a constant reminder of him. After we left Tokyo I always tried to hide it. I continued to try and heal but every time I saw it I was reminded of how vulnerable I was in those times.

Forgotten Love || Tom Kaulitzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें