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"Aubrey oh my god I've missed you" I smiled as I embraced her in a warm hug.


Ashely's POV

I loosened my grasp around her, and we both took a seat. We sat on either side of the small table smiling widely at each other. There was a small moment of silence before I began to speak.

"So how much planning do we need to do?" I questioned excitedly as I placed my hands onto the table.

"To be honest not that much. We still need to find a cake and pick out flowers... Little things like that" she replied with a smile.

"Well, that's easy then" I spoke while looking away and grabbing the menu. I looked down and huffed. I barely knew any Japanese.

"Two more days" she squealed also picking up a menu. My eyes widened at her words, and I looked up from the menu.

"Two days?" I repeated in shock.

"Yes" she grinned.

"Why so soon?" I asked putting down the menu.

"I just love him so much... I don't want to wait" she smiled as her cheeks turned a shade of pink. I giggled lightly and shook my head.

"I need to meet him. I need to know if he's good enough for my little sister" I laughed as she kept a wide grin on her face.

"You will" she spoke softly. "Off topic but what happened to hair Ash? The red was beautiful, I can't believe you changed it" she added.

"Oh... I wanted something different" I said while grabbing my hair and playing with it.

"Oh well it still looks amazing. How's Melissa?" she questioned innocently.

I felt my heart skip a beat at the mention of her name. I missed her deeply, but she was never a true friend. I stayed quiet and gazed out the window.

"Ash?" she spoke softly as she leant over the table closer to me.

"Yes, yes sorry" I smiled looking back at her.

"How is she? I tried contacting her, but her phone kept going straight to voice mail" she said sounding a bit upset.

"Bree... she passed" I said softly while I looked away. She was quiet for a moment.

"What?" she replied stunned.

"Yeah" I said bluntly with a sigh.

"When? How?" she said reaching her hand out across the table. I put my hand in hers.

"Nearly 2 years ago now... I don't really know what happened... she was here one minute and then the next she was gone." I said softly hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions. I didn't want her to know the truth, because that would mean telling her about Tom and Bill.

"That's heartbreaking Ashley, why didn't you tell me?" she spoke softly. "Is that why you left Tokyo?" she added.

"Yeah" I replied, but that was a lie.

Aubrey was oblivious of the whole situation with Tom. She was my baby sister and I wanted to protect her from those situations. If she knew the truth she would be in danger. I didn't want her to see me as weak. I needed her to think I was her older sister that could protect her from any situation. Hiding my past became the only path to maintain that protective image. I always promised to protect her and that was exactly what I was doing.

"How did you end up here?" I questioned.

"Inspired by my older sister I guess" she smiled. "I'm going to go and get us a coffee, what would u like?" she continued as she began to stand up.

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