I'm done

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"Ok" he said with a smile.


Jai's POV

I dropped the phone beside me with a frustrated huff. I felt regret linger inside me for snapping at Ashley, but I was stressed. Not long before Ash had called, Maria had called me which caused tension. She had told me that Adam, one of our boys, had stirred trouble with Matteo, the son of a big dealer in Rome, at a drifting track last night. They knew people, much more than we did. Matteo's family held influence, and though they weren't as popular as us, they were at the top before Ashley, and I joined the business. We ruined their reputation and maintained a cautious distance, aware of their power and sly acts. Fear didn't consume us, but the decision to avoid unnecessary conflicts was a matter of our and our business's safety.

Hearing that Adam had done this made me angry and I couldn't contain my frustration from snapping at Ash. I had no idea what to do or how to handle the situation. I hoped nothing would happen. I didn't want to ruin Ashley's happy mood. She generally looked happy and not stressed because of work. I didn't want to bear her with the bad news, but I knew as soon as she walked through that door she we demand answers.

I was caught up in my thoughts when I heard the front door slam. I broke my stare from the Tv and turned around to Ash and faced her in silence. It was quiet as she placed her bag on the bench. I watched as she walked closer to me then sat on the couch. I tried to appear composed and gave her a soft smile before returning my attention back to the TV. I focused on the Tv before I heard her scoff then shuffle in her seat.

"What" I said lightly as I turned to her.

"What do you mean what?" she said with a hint of attitude. "So, you're not going to tell me why you're shitty" she continued. I remained silent for moment.

"Sorry I guess I'm just really tired" I smiled lightly before turning back to the Tv, attempting to evade her glare.

"Really. That's all. You snapped because your tried" she said annoyed. "Your lying" she added, irritated.

"I think I'm jet lagged Ash" I said making something up.

"You slept the whole plane ride" she said with a scoff.

"I guess it's hard to adjust to the different time zones" I replied lightly.

"Whatever Jai" she spoke as she got up from the couch.


Ashely's POV

I slowly rose from the bed, I stretched and glanced to my side at Jai, fast asleep. I rolled my eyes before folding the covers back and getting out of bed quietly. I walked past the window realising it was still night. I hadn't eaten dinner as soon as I left the couch I had fallen asleep. I walked closer to the kitchen glimpsing at the clock on the wall, it was almost one in the morning.

I walked with a slump and reached for a glass in the cabinet. I grabbed one and walked to the sink filling the glass to the very top. I raised the cup to my lips and began to drink it gazing out the large window, the city lights illuminating the night sky. I was angry. Jai was clearly keeping something and if it involved our business, I'd be furious if he didn't tell me. I needed to know what had happened. I smiled lightly to myself before placing the cup in the sink and walking back to bed. I got back in bed and got under the covers. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off with unresolved thoughts.


I slowly fluttered my eyes opened and tried to adjust to the bright light streaming through the window. I smiled lightly before stretching and stepping out of bed, grabbing my phone to check the time. I needed to be there by 11 so I needed to get up and get ready now. I paced into the bathroom and immediately got started on my hair and makeup. I soon finished and left the bathroom yawning while walking into the closet.

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