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"Uhm. Surprise me I guess" I said as the lady's eyes lit up.


The lady spun me around in the chair and my eyes widen in shock.

"I fucking love it" I drooled.

My hair was now a darker brown and had subtle highlights throughout. The ends of my hair were curled lightly, and my hair was silky soft.

"It's called skunk, but I made it a little more natural. It's been really popular lately" the lady smiled running her fingers through my hair.

"Thank you so much" I grinned touching my hair.

"You're welcome" she smiled as I watched through the mirror.

I gazed as she walked away and I turned to Bree in the chair beside me. She was too focused on looking in the mirror as the lady ran the brush through her hair. I turned back to the mirror Infront of me and began to flick my hair around. I was in love.

"Ash" Bree raised her voice as I turned to her. "You like it?" she added.

"I love it" I smiled. "Mine?" I questioned.

"It suits you" she smiled as she stood up from her chair.

I followed as we made our way up to the front desk. I pulled out my card as Bree pushed my arm away and paid.

"Bill said he wanted to treat us" she giggled as she turned around.

"Oh" I smiled as she latched on my arm.

We got into the car and soon enough we were back at the resort. I stepped out of the car and followed Aubree inside. We stopped at the kitchen and poured a glass of water while giggling.

Toms POV

I turned around as I sat on the couch annoyed at the noise coming from the kitchen. I watched as Ashley and Bree sat at the kitchen bench. Aubree had added a lot more brightness into her hair. Ashley's hair was dark with streaks of blonde. My mouth slightly opened before I turned around repositioning myself in the seat.

I looked down at Zara's reminiscent dark red hair and clenched my jaw. I raised my hand and began to lightly run my hands through her hair. I gazed outside as her hair became tangled in my fingers. I quickly pulled my fingers out with a groan.


Ashley's POV

I picked up my phone and raised it to my ear. "I should be there in like 5 minutes" Jai said softly.

"I'll go wait outside" I smiled quickly rolling off my bed.

I swung the door open and began to run closer to the door with my head in my phone. I fell to the floor as I felt my body come in contact with something Infront of me. I looked up and my eyebrows immediately dropped.

"Sorry" Tom said bluntly.

"It's okay" I said standing up brushing my shirt and fixing my hair.

I walked around him and walked closer to the door. I turned around before opening the door. Tom stood staring at me coldly before I smiled at him widely and shut the door behind me. I walked through the lobby giving a wave to the lady positioned behind the front desk before the automatic doors opened. I walked through them and stood by the curb looking up and down the street. I heard a car come to a stop and I stepped of the curb and walked closer to the familiar car. I slammed myself into his arms as he picked me up and spun me around. I needed to act bubbly, or he would flip when he found out about Tom.

"Hi" I grinned before kissing him.

"Hello" he said surprised as I let go of his face. I took a step back my smile slowly dropping. "What" he said concerned.

"Promise you won't be mad Jai" I pleaded.

"What do you mean?" he said squinting.

"Promise or turn around" I spoke.

"Promise" he said confused.

"Bree married Bill" I said quickly.

"Okay?" he said as if he didn't register what I had just said.

"Okay?" I smiled as his face suddenly dropped.

"Bill" he raised his voice. "Kaulitz?" he whispered.

I looked up at him cracking an awkward smile. "Yes" I shrugged my shoulders.

"What" he said breaking eye contact and looking behind me.

"Jai it's okay" I smiled touching his face lightly.

"What so their all in there?" he said raising his arm towards the resort.

"Yes" I said lightly.

"You weren't going to tell me" He snapped.

"I knew you wouldn't come. I only found out the day of the wedding Jai" I said softly trying to get his attention.

"Seriously. What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing. Literally nothing" I said raising my arms.

"To-" he started.

"Nothing at all" I smiled before kissing him.

"No not right now" he pushed me away.

"Okay well are you coming inside?" I questioned.

He rolled his eyes as he grabbed a hold of his suitcase. I grabbed his hand as I dragged him behind me to our room. I felt Toms hard stare as we walked past him. I opened the door and held it as Jai came in. Tom watched from the couch but when he noticed I saw he quickly looked away. I couldn't help up but grin before shutting the door. Something about making Tom mad made me happy and I just couldn't contain my grin. Though I left and I was heartbroken for months when I realised it was the right choice because of all the shit he put me through it was fine for me to not be phased by him. He was weak and I knew it. I knew it made him mad that I was here. Now he would be even angrier I had Jai with me.


I slowly stepped out of the bathroom with a smile as Jai grinned checking me out. I grabbed his arm and dragged him out the balcony door with me. I felt the sunrays burn into my barley clothed body as we walked closer to the bar tucked into the corner. I ordered a drinks for both of us, and we sat by the pool.

I soon felt hands wrap around my waist. I squealed as Jai picked me up from my chair and we both fell into the pool. I rose to the top pulling the hair away from my face and laughing. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we floated in the water and kissed him. I heard the door slam, and we turned annoyed by the interruption.

Tom and his little girl friend came out. The girl quickly jumped into the pool. I turned back to Jai and laughed before grabbing his face again. I let go of him turning for a spit second to see Toms reaction. He seemed unfazed which made me a little angry. I didn't know why I was doing this.

"I'm going to get us another a drink" Jai smiled tapping my ass lightly.

"Okay" I smiled.

"What do you want" he grinned as I admired his tattoos.

"Surprise me" I giggled rubbing his chest.

He grinned before turning around and slowly getting out of the pool. I watched as the water dripped from his body which was covered in tattoos. I was caught in a gaze when I felt someone brush past me.

"Hey" Toms little toy smiled.

"Hi" I replied just my head out of the water. "Oh, I'm Bree's sister, Ashley" I said as she stared at me.

"I'm Zara Toms gir-" she started.

"Toms girlfriend?" I smiled then looked at Tom sitting on the chair.

"Friend" she said unsure.

"Cute" I laughed confused on why she was even talking to me.

"You're really pretty" she smiled. I smiled awkwardly back.

"I love your hair. Is it natural?" I asked not knowing what to reply to that.

"No. Tom said I would look better with red hair" she replied.

"It really suits you" I smiled then looked over to Tom trying not to laugh. "Anyways I'm going to help Jai" I added.

I quickly scurried out of the pool and walked over to Jai. I held my drink close to me as we walked back over to the pool. We both sat down with a smile as Jai rested his hand on my thigh. It felt good that Jai was here. Back in Rome everything was so serious, and we never had fun because we were always so stressed.

Toms POV

Maybe it was a mistake bringing Zara, but I needed something to distract me. Distract me on the fact Ashley was here. I wanted to talk to her, yell even, for how she left me. How she left not knowing if I was going to even make it. How she left after I had told her I loved her. She had made me so venerable then left. Yet I understand why she left. The shit I put her through was unforgivable. I was trying to be better for her, but my ways drew her away. I didn't understand why I had yet Ashley get under my skin back then. Now I have become even more powerful, and a stupid little toy could never get between me and my title again.

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