The Quiet One

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(Lloyd and Harumi run through the jungle as a grundle chases them. She trips and Lloyd pulls her up.)

Lloyd: Come on. (They fall into a hole to hide from the grundle. The grundle walks off.) Phew.

(They climb out of the hole.) 

Harumi: Are you okay?

Lloyd: Yeah. Just need a second.

Harumi: Let me see. (She fixes his arm sling.) How's that?

Lloyd: Oh, um. Good. Very close. I-I-I mean, snuggly. I mean, snug.

Harumi: Are you sure we're heading the right way?

Lloyd: Pretty sure. If this map is right, there's a river that runs through Primeval's Eye that way. And the river leads straight to the hidden Oni Temple that holds the third mask.

Harumi: Uh, I don't know, Lloyd. Maybe it would be smarter to turn back and try to find the others. I mean, your arm is still pretty bad and we're all alone out here.

Lloyd: I'm doing okay. And, anyway, we can't take the chance. If the Sons of Garmadon get to the mask first, they'll have all three.

Harumi: Okay, but I want you to rest that arm for a while and let me take a turn.

(Lloyd smiles as she chops through vines and bushes.) 

(Meanwhile in another part of the jungle, the ninja try to repair the Destiny's Bounty.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Any sign of Lloyd and Rumi?

Zane: Negative. Should I gather a search party?

P.I.X.A.L.: In this jungle, it's better to stay with the Bounty. Let's get her mended and the computer up and running so we can reestablish our comlink.

Cole: (Whistles as he holds the baby.) What do you think that baby's name is? You think he looks like a Cole Jr.?

Izzy: Cole Jr? He's not your son you know. 

Coral: Well, when we fix the bounty and get Lloyd and Harumi, we can find the baby's parents. 

Cole: Sure sure. But if he doesn't have parents, we could adopt him. And train him to be a ninja. 

Jay: That would be a sight to see. You and Coral can be his parents!

Cole: What?! 

Coral: We are not in love Jay! 

Jay: How do you know? P.I.X.A.L. said that Coral's perfect match was Cole all those years ago. 

Cole: Are we seriously recalling that now? 

Coral: Well, she probably had a computer virus. 

 Izzy: But in all seriousness, you can't adopt him. We don't know the first thing about babies. 

Kai: Then we get Amethyst or Misako to adopt him. 

Coral: Yeah, no thank you. My mom said that I'm enough. And I'm sure Lloyd would freak out and explode if he had a new little brother. 

(Everyone shares a laugh.)

Jay: Okay Cole, how about you put the baby down and help us out? (Through his communicator.) Okay, Zane, give it another try. (They here nothing but static.) 

Kai: Zane? Come in, Zane. 

Jay: Oh, great. Now the radios aren't working. (They hear growling out in the distance.)

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