Ninja vs Lava

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I skipped over the episode "The News Never Sleeps" because that episode doesn't have any relevance on the season. Also that episode ruined Jay's record of appearing in every single episode until that point. You can watch the episode yourself on the Cartoon Network site. Okay then, on with the show.

(Jay, chained to a wall, is reading "Boobytraps and How to Survive Them".)

Jay: That Clutch Powers guy might have run off to save himself, stranding us here, but I have to admit: his book is pretty good! (He hears a rumble.) It has a section for everything. Even "What To Do When All is Lost" (The ninja are all shown to be chained to the wall. Rubble falls from the ceiling.) He recommends vocal exercises, like: "Brobrogoo-goo!". (Lloyd turns to look at him.) Brobrogoo-goo!

Lloyd: How is saying a bunch of nonsense possibly going to help us?

Jay: It says that it keeps you calm by relaxing your face. (At a lower pitch.) Brobrogoo-goo! Brobrogoo-goo! Brobrogoo-goo! Brobrogoo-goo!

Izzy: (Tries to pick the lock with her tail.) That doesn't make me calm. It makes me annoyed. 

Zane: (Simultaneously) Perhaps Clutch didn't abandon us. Perhaps he went to seek help.

Nya: Sure! And maybe the evil snake queen we just accidentally released from an ancient tomb is headed for Ninjago City for some sightseeing!

Zane: I find that highly unlikely.

Nya: We need to update your sarcasm circuits, Zane. If we get out of here.

Coral: Any luck Izzy? 

Izzy: (She continues to try to pick the lock, but ends up hurting her tail.) Ow! (She pulls her tail out.) Yeah, sorry. Nothing but a hurt tail.

(All the ninja except Kai, groan.) 

Cole: We wouldn't even be hanging here if Jay hadn't opened that crypt!

Jay: Me?! Zane's the one that didn't warn us in time! (He sighs.) Brobrogoo-goo.

Lloyd: How can you blame Zane?! Who opens a possibly cursed tomb without checking it out first?!

Coral: Uh, you? When you were a child trying to be like your evil father. Ringing any bells? (Lloyd smiles sheepishly.) 

Jay: (Grabs the chain and slightly pulls Lloyd downward.) Opening a tomb is how you check it out! (He pulls the chain lower.) And what about , hmm? (Kai is shown to still be unconscious.) He's the one who let Aspheera steal his power!

(Kai is flipped upside down by Jay.)

Nya: Hey! Watch it!

(Jay smiles sheepishly.)

Lloyd: She's right. How's he doing, Zane?

Zane: (He scans Kai.) His vitals are stable. He should recover shortly.

Lloyd: Good. Now we just have to figure a way out of here. Any ideas?

Izzy: Hey, maybe there's something in Clutch's book that can help us! (She slithers over to Jay and flips the book pages with her tail.) 

Jay: Ooh look! He's got a whole chapter entitled "Escaping from Close Calls."

Cole: Really? What does it say?

Jay: Uh. Let me check. (He starts reading the book. Torches in the room slowly start to burn out. The room turns pitch black for a moment.) Aw, great! Now I can't even see! (An orange glow lights up the room.) Oh. That's better!

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