The Message

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Skipped over "The Absolute Worst" because while that is a nice episode, it takes time away from the real plot line. Plus I don't like anime, even if it is Ninjago. 

(Cole is telling the story of how Aspheera banished Zane to the Never-Realm, using his paper drawings on sticks, to some children in the Great Lake.)

Cole: (As Zane.) Put down the staff and surrender, Aspheera. Your days of evil are over. (As Aspheera.) Never! I will have my revenge if it's the last thing I do!

Child: (Gasps.)

Cole: Take that, Wu! Zap! Zap! (Drops Wu's stick. As Zane.) No! Look out, Master Wu! (As Aspheera.) Zap! Zap! Ahh! (Cole clashes Zane and Aspheera's sticks until Zane's sticks snaps in half.) Oh, no! (Picks up Nya's stick.) Zane is gone! (Puts down Nya's stick and picks up his stick.) What did you do to my friend? (As Aspheera, cackling. The children cower together as the story gets more intense.) Take that! I banished him to the one place from which you can never return. The Never-Realm! (One of them faints while the rest start crying and run away.) Wait! W-W-W-Woah! Hey! Wait, it's okay, look, it's not real, it's just a story! (He waves Aspheera's stick and it snaps in half. Cole chases after the children, while Kai, Nya, Izzy, and Jay are working outside.) It's just paper! I drew them! (Throws the broken stick on the ground and scratches his head.)

Kai: What did you tell them, Cole?

Cole: Nothing! I was just telling them about Zane and Aspheera, and how she blasted him into the Never-Realm.

Nya: You think that story is appropriate for little kids?

Cole: Five to thirteen? Absolutely.

Izzy: (Shakes her head. On Nya's shoulder.) You're an idiot, Cole. 

Uthaug: Look! Over here! Come quick! (The ninja, Sorla, and several other Ice Fishers run over to see what was wrong.)

Boma: What is it? (Uthaug pulls out green and magenta pieces of cloth from Lloyd and Coral's robe.)

Nya: (Takes the fabric and examines it.) This is Lloyd's!

Izzy: (Sees the pink cloth.) And this is Coral's! 

Cole: Where did you find these?

Uthaug: In the snow, on the other side of the forest. There were signs of fighting and an avalanche.

Kai: What do you think happened?

Jay: You think they're okay?

Nya: I hope so, because there's nothing we can do from here. Lloyd and Coral are on their own.

(Meanwhile, Lloyd, Coral, and the wolf are walking towards the mech.) 

Lloyd: (Tells the wolf about his dad.) So yeah, that's my dad. Garmadon, Lord of Destruction, King of Shadows. I wouldn't normally confide this stuff to someone I just met, and Coral already knows this, but I can tell you. You're just a wolf. (Chuckles.) Haha. It's kinda nice to be able to get this off my chest actually. But I can't keep calling you 'Wolf'. You ought to have a real name. Hmm. How about Rover? (The wolf gives him an unamused look, looks away and barks.) Hmm, don't like that, huh? 

Coral: Uh, how about, uh, Buster? Or Buddy? Nah, those don't fit. Oh, what about Red? You get it? Because, you know, this? (She points to her cheek where the wolf's markings are. The wolf barks in agreement.) 

Lloyd: We're making progress, Red! (The tracker starts beeping and Lloyd takes it out to examine it. He pulls up the antennae.) The mech's signal is getting stronger. This way! (They run off towards the mech.) We're getting close, you guys. (She stops walking and whimpers. She barks and Lloyd finally turns around.) What's the matter? Look, we gotta go this way. You coming or not? (She barks warily and sits down.) 

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